>>6292642 (lb)
I agree with you.
>>6292642 (lb)
I agree with you.
Instructions unclear, ended up with this.
New Owen vid.
Kek, you guys sure seem to have a tendency to exaggerate.
I don't think he is a Jew (racial Jew, religiously he is Christian), but even he if was a racial Jew, I would have no problem with that.
There is no need to exterminate racial Jews, simply terminate all Jewish collective power in the West and we can get along.
Have a vid of a based Jew.
*if he
"Gleat news flen." - Chinese Pepe
The people posting shit like "All Jews are evil" and "Gas the kikes" are probably Jew shills trying to poison the well on the discussion about the issue of Jewish supremacism (the JQ) and trying to dilute legitimate criticism on Jews with stupidity.
You won't see them posting pics like the pics related, only bullshit that will make people call them stupid.
Off course there are some good people who are religious Jews, just like there are good people who are Muslims.
Islam has no place in the West at all, and I think Judaism has no place too (unless they are willing to reform it MASSIVELY).
You're either very ignorant on how information warfare works or you're a shill.
You're basically trying to say that all criticism of Jews or Jewish collective power is shilling, and that is obviously bullshit.
Pics related, if you think that exposing AIPAC for its subversion and crimes is being a "muh-joo" shill, then you're either retarded, or a Israel first shill.
>Are they "real"Jews
Fun fact: not even Jews agree on who or what is a Jew. Pic related.
The only way to have Jews living peacefully in the West in the future is going to terminate all Jewish collective power.
Remember when that bridge designed by SJW feminist engineers collapsed and killed 6 people?
Cultural Marxism is absolute subversion of everything.
Great point.
Kek, you're pathetic.
Read all my posts and try to debate the CONTENT of my posts with me if you want, trying to attack me by calling me names is just pathetic.
Have more facts to think about :)
The point is not that they are females, the point is that the company hired based on discrimination of sex and race (anti-male and anti-White bias), and it costed lives because they were incompetent.
SJW subversion in gaming industry has destroyed entire companies too, they stop hiring for competence and start using anti-White racism and anti-male bigotry in the hiring process, it ends badly.
The victim points they amass from the gen pop with the fraudulent official version of the holocaust is too precious for them to not try to protect it by any means (even spreading FE bullshit and then compare holocaust revisionism with FE crap).
Vid related.