I think that Q and Trump have allowed/encouraged an organic movement in the US to prosper, so that "WE the People" can reclaim our freedom the only way truly possible, by taking it back OURSELVES. (Of course, I know that we are powerless without God's help through Jesus Christ. As Q reminds us we HAVE the armor of God to protect us.) I just spent nearly 2 hours watching a rally in Oregon to oppose legislation that would ban unvaccinated school children from activities based upon their unvaccinated status. I believe that this one issue: mandated vaccines, is THE issue that will down the entire pharmaceutical (SORCERY) system. If you have a human body you have "skin" in this game. New York has just, for the first time, used an order by De Blasio to justify telling ADULTS to get vaccinated or provide proof of immunity. The CDC has an adult "schedule" that has already (as I understand it) KILLED an adult female health care worker who received a number of vaccines at once to "catch up" with the mandates. Prior to Trump's election Friedan of the CDC was working to implement a plan to use POLICE "pods" in roadways to mass vaccinate motorists. A bioweapon delivered by any other means than INJECTION has a significant risk of failure. Delivering toxic trojan horses (perhaps even sequentially with multiple injections) through a "vaccine program" is a covert, clandestine means to destroy us. This has ALREADY been done, as anons should well know. If you are not informed about "made in China", aborted cell containing, toxin laden "vaccines" (literally from the Latin word for cow, representing what the cabal thinks we are) now might be a good time to do your own dig on the subject. God bless all anons seeking to see God's Kingdom come on earth. It was for freedom that Christ has made us free. (If you don't know what to think about God, I hope you will listen to this anon, who learned that "God is love" through many hard experiences that lead to life and healing through Him)