Should be rather obvious by now that, regardless of what you think of AOC's politics, the democrats and high-rollers do NOT want her in that district.
For one, New York is better off without Amazon. I will say that again - New York (and all of us) are better without Amazon. It is a seditious company which has come to bring activism to the market place AND one which will undermine domestic producers by bankrolling large Chinese lot purchases that are then rolled into their warehouses for fast shipping on cheap products using less than ethical methods.
So, there is that.
Then there is the other aspect of this. Why is Amazon choosing NOT to go to New York because they are being DENIED SPECIAL EXEMPTION FROM LAW?
If Amazon doesn't have to pay fees and taxes because it's got money coming out of its ass - why should the rest of us have to pay those same fees and taxes because we are average?
You see the problem, here?
The fact that large finance operations are now turning the guns on the government for not granting their little chinese factory outlet operation special tax exemptions should spell out exactly what is going on. I do not believe in high taxes, but using high taxes as a policy for the rest of us and then trying to blame people who say "no, those laws apply to you, too" when a (((large business))) starts talking of moving in… Is not how our government is supposed to work.
If Amazon is supposed to get that tax break to bring in business, ALL businesses should get that tax break. Which - interestingly enough - seems to be AOC's position when you look past the "she is a socialist so she wants to tax all businesses to death" dispersion.