Anonymous ID: db230a April 23, 2019, 11:09 p.m. No.6293616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3622 >>3633

OK, my Christian frens, have you had enough yet? Are you satisfied with the ever increasing persecution and slaughter of Christians worldwide, or do you still need more of the same before you're convinced you need to change your ways?


I'm asking, because you have brought this on yourselves, and you keep on doing it. You get beaten down by the world, and yet you keep asking for more abuse! And more shall indeed be given to you, until you stop asking for it!


Jesus told you "Ask, and it shall be given you" (Matthew 7:7), and he always meant every word he said. If you ask your heavenly father for good things, then good things you shall receive! But if you ask for bad things, then bad things will come your way just as surely!


And you have been asking for bad things a lot, haven't you, my Christian frens? You have listened to preachers who told you Christians will be persecuted for their faith in the end times, so you have secretly been looking forward to that, because you think such persecution proves you're doing right by God, and that God's Kingdom is imminent. A billion Christians loking forward to being persecuted for their faith equals a billion fools asking to receive bad things instead of good.


And so the heavenly father sighs and gives them exactly what they're asking for: persecution and death by their enemies, instead of protection.


All because you listened to false prophets instead of Jesus! Jesus never told you that you need to suffer to prove your worthiness, he told you he would take on the suffering in your place so you wouldn't have to suffer, and he taught you to stay on the path that would liberate you from all suffering. Jesus never told you to ask for bad things, he told you to ask for good things! There is not a single thing Jesus said that implies he ever wanted you to suffer!


And he specifically warned you about listening to those who would lead you astray: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." (Matthew 7:15).


Honestly, Jesus told you ALL you need to know, and if you would just trust Jesus you'd be scot free! But nooo, you wanted to listen to those who came after him to "interpret" his words instead. Rather than living by the simplicity of Jesus' words, you preferred to follow a convoluted "religion" that was invented for you by the Jews and the Romans. Instead of listening to Jesus, you listened to Paul!


You know, the dude who admitted that he hated the early church who were still following Jesus.


"For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. And I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers. " (Gal 1:13–14)


Then this self-admitted enemy of Jesus claimed to have "converted" and infiltrated the Christian church to continue his zealous work and destroy it from within. Most of what you consider to be "Christianity" today is distortions brought in by this particular ravening wolf. Although there have been many more ravening wolves in history who have continued Paul's work of leading Christians ever further away from the words of Jesus. From within the Christian church itself, because that's the most effective way to do it.


The sad fact of the matter, is that the New Age crowd is closer to the teachings of Jesus than the Christians today. At least they understand that you need to ask for good things to receive good things! Meanwhile, Christians think they'll somehow score brownie points with God by "humbling themselves" (groveling and debasing themselves, denying their own value and looking at themselves as filth), as if God would ever want you to put down His beloved children this way! And just in case you wonder, Jesus never told you that you're worthless. Others taught you that.


It is very simple to find your way out of the maze they have built for you - simply ignore everything in the Bible except the words of Jesus. All the rest is commentary at best, and distortions inserted to lead you astray at worst. You need none of it. You already got Jesus, that's all you need.


Seriously, how can you even call yourself a "Christian", if you let the words of Paul override the words of Jesus?