> at Amherst
Possibly more leftard than Berkeley.
Interesting that they let the utterly useless Jeff Sessions speak there. Can't wait to hear what this fuckhead has to say about Trump.
> at Amherst
Possibly more leftard than Berkeley.
Interesting that they let the utterly useless Jeff Sessions speak there. Can't wait to hear what this fuckhead has to say about Trump.
>Enough with all the boob photos already !
Fuck you, turd pusher. The bewbs and babes are the only thing worth coming here for.
>What is the reason for Q drops becoming so infrequent ?
Q is gone, or trying to leave permanently.
>Is the End Near ?
Yes. Only an idiot can ignore this factr.
>Sessions has more integrity than you could ever imagine.
Why don't you wait for the useless cookie baker to run his cake hole before believing that?
Trump fired his lazy ass. I trust Trump.
Trump fired the useless fuckhead Sessions.
Q praises and thanks him immediately after that firing.
I know exsactly what is going on, because I trust real, tangible happenings that I can see with my eyes.
I don't trust bullshit posted by an anonymous 8chan poster with no identity.
I trust Trump, not some psyop and his tiny band of 8chan fantasists.
>Q+ reconcile
That means that whoever Q is, he put a + after his usual meaningless signature and every moran on this board thinks that it is Trump.
With zero confirmation from Q either way.
>You do know Jr tweeted that on fake MAGA week, dont you?
This is the stupidest mental gymnastics used on this board … and that's saying a lot.