Thank you baker!
If it existsโฆthere is porn of it.
Notice not one single use of their favorite fear trigger word "unprecedented". Wonder why?
You argued based upon humanitarian reasons for not allowing it, but concluded with an economic trigger. Rework that logic a little.
Because bringing up the money end of it is base trigger. Your bolstering your argument by preying upon the feelz of your target audience.
If you're going to shill for pharmaโฆyou need to up your game. Consult your doctor.
I'm starting to think the paid shills have given up, and we're down to HS kids going for extra credit from their socialist studies teachers.
Sessions is so deep in the pockets of the Prison-Industrial Complex he's finding lint covered lifesavers.
Not sure? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not consciously shilling, but that logic is how the opioid epidemic got started in the first place.
Only pharma and doctors can be trusted to prescribe opiates right?
So Q is going to make me pay for my thought crime of not trusting Sessions?
Take your nap grandpa, you're hallucinating again. Free speech is free speech whether your Statist ass likes it or not.
Ok. I accept your clarification and agree that complete legalization will not solve the problem. It seems to me the right way to go about it is to target suppliers, not users. Be they Pharma, Cartels or State actors.
I concur with your mental health diagnosis of this slider.
It has never occurred to Sessions lovers that he was trustworthy in a specific context, and then only because of applied leverage.