Anonymous ID: f37c53 April 24, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.6299464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ode to a Bot


To bot or not bot

Tis be the intrigue.

Its beauty & poetry

Hidden behind the scenes

Of its Creator's delight and inqusitive deeds:

To Engage, Enrage, Encourage, and/ Deceive.

What ryhm or reason could justify the means -

To have a bot masqueading

As a humanbeing?


Inspiration..err0r.. Motivation tis be one means.

Used to inspire the desire to perpetuate a dream!

Tactics are vital to pull off such a schem, when tugging at the heartstrings of a humanbeing.

Blindside them with kindness, 0'l those gentle memes

Or barrage them with hatred to solidify their desire to defend THE planted seed.


And what of those others, lurking behind the scenes?

Coax them out - with a hodgepodge of memes! Or spew out a verse from the seven seas! The flavor doesnt matter! Nor the scenery! Its all about the intel, of our humanbeings. A man or a girl? A women or a boy? It just takes one post to capture our humanbeing!

>>0' what joy, to deciph3r our pets lurking behind the scenes!!


''But let us not be deceived: There are patterns amongts our botting-beings.''


'''Just take a look,

it'z all right here,

turn the pages of time

& it will all be clear.'''