Patriots have PRIDE.
Patriots have LOVE.
Flags out?
Patriots have PRIDE.
Patriots have LOVE.
Flags out?
Are there any crimes that Killary has not been deeply involved in?
Will she be held accountable for all of them?
Hillary Clinton gave kill order to Janet Reno on Branch Dravidians in Waco, Texas April 19, 1993.
From the Gateway Pundit Article. See sauce
“SECRET #1 Foster was also the Clintons’ personal attorney, and the “dirty tricks” team is looking for two letters in sealed manila envelopes that disappeared from Foster’s White House office safe after his death on July 20. One envelope was addressed to then-Attorney General Janet Reno.”
“That “smoking gun” letter is believed to implicate Hillary in ordering the government’s atÂtack on religious zealot David Koresh’s compound in Waco, Texas, in April 1993. The raid sparked a massive inferno that killed 74 men, women and children, inÂcluding 12 kids under the age of 5 and two pregnant women.”
“Investigators are out to show that during Bill’s first year in the White House, Hillary was abusing her power and actually making executive deciÂsions, one of which was allegedly the raid on Waco.”