Keep reminding us of this.
They have burned through a shit ton of money, more false flag ops than can count on all their hands, and inadvertently taught an entire online army how to dig up their dirt, and what's more, how to expose their criminality FAST.
Digging is a matter of a few seconds and a few keystrokes.
The internet age has rendered them practically impotent.
The elite are liquidating assets of every type to build warchests for the coming massive legal fees they'll need.
They can go ahead and do all that. It's easier for the DOJ and IRS to seize financial accounts (poof, one wire transfer, and done) than it is to fiddle with auctioning other types of assets.
We'll have enough money to build plenty of jails if the current capability isn't enough for them.
How it must burn in their minds, every waking moment, the knowledge that they not only created their own opposing army, but that they quite literally made it more powerful than themselves.