Anonymous ID: 0cdd31 April 24, 2019, 2:50 p.m. No.6300090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0134

I just saw an piece on the news about how in Sri Lanka, Muslims are being pretty heavily harassed since the bombings. It ranges from restaurants opting not to serve them, to people accosting them on the street, to landlords literally kicking them out of their homes just for being Muslim (that's pretty fucked up, regardless of anything).


It reminds me of the instances you used to hear about/still hear about where people would walk up to other people (presumed Christians, likely based on appearance), ask them if they were Muslim, and when they said no, they'd stab, shoot, beat up, or kill them. Not to mention entire countries where Islamic people just straight up murder anyone who doesn't conform to Islam. This shit happens all over the world (not so much in the USA, but still somewhat) and that kind of activity is definitely on the rise.


With the looming civil war in this country (AKA libtards vs everyone, especially non-minorities and authorities), the realization here is that we are indeed in a World War, manufactured and supported by the DS/Cabal. It's not a war between countries like it historically has been (recently, last 100ish years), we're literally in a Holy War right now.


How is anyone supposed to be able to tell, at a glance, using intuition and normal cognitive logic, who is going to cause trouble next? It's starting to get to the point where people that look like a certain demographic are targeted. How long will it take for you or me to randomly be targeted and potentially be taken out for literally doing nothing wrong?


Moves and countermoves, right? Well I hope the 'moves' part by /ourguys are strong enough to counter this easy division of race, religion, and belief.


This is the counter-plan by the bad guys. It's pretty obv:

Cause division in every possible place, and target the majorities. Target the oldest, most established and successful ways of thinking, and try to delete them, to make room for whatever fucked up movement will become the next majority (likely a worldwide unified mentality fabricated by unseen propogators)


If you pay attention, the political climate in this country is a perfect testament to this, but it's harder to cause an obvious war here. Shit's getting heavy worldwide, and it's only a matter of time before it affects someone you or I know/care about.


Godspeed Q team. The war on everything good is heating up, and most of us are good. Every good person that dies is one step closer to a NWO.

Anonymous ID: 0cdd31 April 24, 2019, 3:05 p.m. No.6300266   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Who did this? Let's see:

Far far far left wing

Promiscuous (or wannabe)


Young (likely college age)

Non Christian

Gay, Bi, or Trans (or a wannabe)

Likely non-white

Abused at some point

Uneducated (about reality)

No car


Lives with family

Likely a waitress


So much you can learn just by reading this