A ID: fe81e2 April 24, 2019, 2:53 p.m. No.6300130   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6298877 LB

>>6298956 LB


Patriot Anons

Now that you have had time to see the names of the Cabal / DS in DC court cases

Think about 49 other states that have court cases on the Cabal / DS

There is some of our own Patriots that are seen on the list of DC court cases maybe helping court cases.

The one name you didn't see in the schedule of DC court cases.

Should be done in 30 Free & cleared by April 26th 2019 Look at Q drop 970 March 27th 2018 1 yr Delta March 27th 2019

March 27 2019 Photo of the watch Marker [2] set. When does the clock run out Done in 30 Hammer on the clock

