Anonymous ID: a8f634 April 24, 2019, 3:26 p.m. No.6300467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0529 >>0667 >>0871 >>1119

See Something, Say Something.


This ConcernAnon saw something that didn’t look right. A vehicle parked in a very awkward location in a strip mall. It looked like an elderly man sitting inside, but wasn’t sure. It was semi-blocking the main road. Although it wasn’t the typical “See Something, Say Something”, it wasn’t right. I made a U turn and headed back just to be sure.


As I pulled up, an elderly man was exiting the vehicle. He then collapsed onto the 110 degree+ asphalt. I jumped out and ran to his aid. He was not very coherent and when questioned, he gave me the year 2608 (or something like that). I called 911/Fire/Rescue/Ambulance.


I asked “were you in the service?” noting all the Navy and DoD items in/on his car and trying to assess his situation. He said “yes 20 year Navy Corpsman.” That was the strongest and clearest response I got from him.


“Thank you for your Service! Thank you for providing us with the Freedom we have! Help is on the way! Hang in there!” while rolling him onto a blanket and a towel for a pillow.


Fire/Rescue arrived shortly and began providing emergency aid.


Godspeed NavyAnon.


See Something, Say Something.


>>6299764/PB Repost due to Baker Notable

>>6299873 >>6299939 >>6300305 >>6300365 >>6300389 >>6300391 >>6300398

Anonymous ID: a8f634 April 24, 2019, 3:51 p.m. No.6300759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0780 >>0803 >>0820



"Time Traveler"?


His speech was very low and weak. There were about 6-8 hats on his back deck of his car, navy insignia on his wallet, old DoD/AFB parking sticker on window, leather briefcase, wearing navy vet hat, pants and button up shirt. Nothing futuristic.