Anonymous ID: 4e7039 April 25, 2019, 12:10 a.m. No.6306798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6858 >>6894 >>7112

''Clinton projected to win 98%😂''


Shock new poll puts Biden EIGHT points ahead of Trump and makes him the front-runner among his Democrat rivals as the former VP prepares to announce a third White House bid


Democrat Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by eight points in a hypothetical 2020 matchup, according to a poll published on Wednesday that also shows the 76-year-old leading the Democratic primary field.


The Morning Consult/Politico poll was released 24 hours before Biden is expected to announce that he is running for president, showing him leading Trump 42 percent to 34 percent.


The poll of 1,992 registered voters was conducted between April 19 and 21.


It showed Biden with a strong lead over Trump among women, whom he led by 17 points, millennials with a 22-point lead and independents, up 10 points.





Morning Consult said the national poll, conducted online, had a margin of error of two points.


If the presidential election were held today who would you vote for?




The polling firm's weekly tracking poll also shows Biden leading among Democratic primary voters, with 30 percent support and Senator Bernie Sanders at 24 percent.


The lead is even larger among early primary state voters, where Biden leads Sanders by eight points.


Biden, who has sought the Democratic presidential nomination twice before, remains widely popular since he left the White House in 2016 after two terms as vice president.


The former longtime U.S. senator will announce he is seeking the Democratic nomination on Thursday, a source familiar with the plans said.


His nascent campaign already hit its first speed bump after Biden faced allegations about being overly physical to women, some of whom said his hugs and kisses were inappropriate and unwelcome.

Anonymous ID: 4e7039 April 25, 2019, 12:12 a.m. No.6306820   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Look here. Trump is coming for the conspirators for treasonous crimes. This man Christopher Steele is Mi6 Spy Master. He wrote a fake dossier for Hillary. No Russian collusion it's now UK collusion. Enjoy the show.

Anonymous ID: 4e7039 April 25, 2019, 12:15 a.m. No.6306836   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The FBI (Strzok) purposely covered-up the fact that Hillary Clinton's private server was sending almost every email to Chinese intelligence services.


"Tony Schaffer describes how Clinton's email server was compromised and sending almost every email to Chinese intelligence services. Strzok, appears to give conflicting answers with regard to this issue in closed and then open testimony."

Anonymous ID: 4e7039 April 25, 2019, 12:17 a.m. No.6306853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6868 >>6926 >>7007

Admiral Mike Rodgers A REAL American hero!


Not only is Mike Rogers a hero but it seems Joe de Genova is one too for this clear summary of FISA felonies of the Clinton Clan and their Deep State manipulation.

Anonymous ID: 4e7039 April 25, 2019, 12:23 a.m. No.6306898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6902 >>7172



U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, actor Danny Glover make impromptu visit to Haiti


U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, is adding her voice to the list of U.S. lawmakers concerned about growing gang-related violence in Haiti.


In recent months, gangs have been terrorizing the population, accused of massacring and raping poor Haitians and turning parts of the country into no-go zones. This weekend a police station in the rural Artibonite was attacked after a gang affiliated with a wanted warlord, Arnel Joseph, overpowered police.


Following a massacre in the La Saline neighborhood of Port-au-Prince in November, a bipartisan group of 104 House members called on U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last month to launch an independent investigation into the extrajudicial killings, as well as allegations of human-rights violation by the Haitian National Police during February’s violent protests that shut the country down for 10 days. Haiti’s ambassador in Washington has denied the accusations.


As late as last week, Haiti’s press reported that gangs have continued their attack on La Saline by setting fires to homes. The growing violence comes just months before a United Nations peacekeeping mission is scheduled to permanently end its presence in Haiti after 15 years, to be replaced with a special political mission.


“When we learned about houses being burned down, and the killings that took place, we were appalled and shock,” Waters said during a press conference at the Toussaint Louverture International Airport prior to leaving Haiti on Wednesday evening. “We listened directly to some of the relatives of victims and victims tell us about that.”


Waters, who was not among the signatories on the Pompeo letter, said the more attention brought to La Saline and the violence, the more it will help “to not only get some engagement with this administration here in Haiti to find out how this is happening, why this is happening, what are their plans, but using whatever leverage and power we have to help make it cease because this is not conscionable and not tolerable.”


She noted that the U.S. government “contributes substantially to Haiti,” aid that is very important for the Haitian government.


“We think that when we talk about how we care about Haiti, and why we’re able to contribute the way that we do, and we do not want to see that abused or misused or disregarded, I think that may give us a little leverage,” Waters said, vowing to get other members of Congress engaged.


Waters said her visit to Haiti was the result of an invitation by former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to attend the graduation of medical students at his University of the Aristide Foundation in Tabarre on the outskirts of the capital. She was joined by actor Danny Glover, civil rights leader Walter Riley, human rights lawyer and activist Brian Concannon of the Boston-based Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti and radio journalist Margaret Prescod. Prescod’s Los Angeles-based public affairs show, “Sojourner Truth,” recently featured a report on the La Saline massacre.


While Waters met with U.S. embassy staff and praised their efforts, she did not meet with Haitian President Jovenel Moïse. She did have a great time with Aristide and his family, she noted.


Glover, who accompanied Aristide back to Haiti following seven years in exile in South Africa, said this marked his first visit to Haiti since Aristide’s 2011 return.


Concannon, speaking in Creole, said, “It’s important to have justice so that people are not once again victims.”


Read more here:

Anonymous ID: 4e7039 April 25, 2019, 12:29 a.m. No.6306930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6936



''These people are sick. Hiding behind freedom of religion for an "anti-religion". Satanists all proclaim that they are atheists. Yet they can bring perversion into the public square behind that freedom of religion label.''


The IRS Officially Recognizes the Satanic Temple as a Church

Good news for those who worship Satan and Satan-adjacent deities (goats, I wanna say?): the Satanic Temple has officially been granted tax-exempt st…

Anonymous ID: 4e7039 April 25, 2019, 12:36 a.m. No.6306968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7187

BREAKING: Extinction Rebellion activists glued on Robocop style to London Stock Exchange …


Anonymous ID: 4e7039 April 25, 2019, 12:40 a.m. No.6306987   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Was this missed today being anti-DRUG DAY?


Another Record Breaking Year for Opium Production in U.S. Occupied Afghanistan


Now officially a national federal emergency, the opioid crisis is gutting America. The roots of this complex issue lie in supply, not demand, and while we are beginning to see major pharmaceutical executives being indicted for conspiracy and bribery of doctors, we have a long way to go to turn this thing around.


Pharmaceutical and synthetic opioids are a major part of the catastrophe, but the other side of the supply chain is actual opium, and the world’s biggest opium market just happens to be occupied Afghanistan, the epicenter of the global heroin trade. The United States military has been operating in Afghanistan as part of the war on terror for over 16 years now, and opium production in the war-torn nation continues to increase, year-over-year, coinciding with the rise of the opioid crisis.


2017 looks to be another record year for opium production in Afghanistan. As reported by Business Insider:


“The country has produced the majority of the world’s opium for some time, despite billions of dollars spent by the US to fight it during the 16-year-long war there. Afghan and Western officials now say that rather than getting smuggled out of Afghanistan in the form of opium syrup, at least half of the crop is getting processed domestically, before leaving the country as morphine or heroin.” [Source]


This particular article goes on to attribute the high production of opium, morphine and heroin on the Taliban, suggesting that the U.S. has been spending billions in taxpayer dollars directly fighting the drug war in Afghanistan.


“Those forms are easier to smuggle, and they are much more valuable for the Taliban, which reportedly draws at least 60% of its income from the drug trade. With its increasing focus on trafficking drugs, the Taliban has taken on more of the functions a drug cartel.” [Source]


What is not mentioned, however, is the fact that international trade in illegal drugs from war-torn countries is essential to geopolitics, implying that the U.S. military is being used to create an environment where the drug trade is allowed to flourish.


“It’s clear that drug trafficking is a major factor in world scheme, and some people put it up as maybe number three, after oil being number one, and then arms number two, and then drugs number three. Actually there’s a certain amount of interaction between those because very often where you’re having illicit trafficking of arms, the planes that take arms in one direction, the arms are paid for with drugs and the planes come back with drugs.” ~Peter Dale Scott


This suggestion coincides with production data since the U.S. invasion, and with statements made by a former U.S. who in 2015 stated that the CIA was actively involved in the Afghan drug trade.


“I’m ashamed to say that I have participated in these drug smuggling operations on many occasions. For a long time, I tried to convince myself that we were doing it for the right cause, but this burden is destroying me inside and I just can’t stand it anymore” he admitted before the court audience.


“The CIA has been dealing drugs since its creation. They’ve been smuggling drugs everywhere in the world for the past 60 years, in Taiwan in 1949 to support General Chiang Kai-shek against the Chinese commies, in Vietnam, in Nicaragua, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg” he launched out during the court trial. “We helped the Mujahideen develop poppy cultivation to fight the Soviets, but we took back matters in our own hands in 2001 when we invaded Afghanistan under Bush” he pleaded. ~John F. Abbotsford, a 38-year old Afghan war veteran [Source]


If you’re hoping or expecting a sudden end to the opioid crisis just because President Trump has called for the government-funded production of anti-opioid television commercials, you’re hope is misplaced. Afghanistan is a major key in this puzzle, as are the pharmaceutical companies.

Anonymous ID: 4e7039 April 25, 2019, 1:30 a.m. No.6307256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7278



Hilarion was an anchorite who spent most of his life in the desert according to the example of Anthony the Great. He is considered to be the founder of Palestinian monasticism and venerated as a saint by Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church.Wikipedia

Born:291 AD, Thabatha, south of Gaza in Syria Palaestina

Died:371 AD, Cyprus


Feast:October 21