Anonymous ID: d12f03 April 24, 2019, 11:53 p.m. No.6306677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6758 >>6773 >>7007



Q posts exact same Punisher image 11 months and 11 days apart. Does this mean 11.11? Not sure, but if we go back in time to the 1st Punisher image on May 14th, we find some interesting clues.


  1. The day before on May 13, 2018, Q mentions 11.11 will serve as a strategic marker. Very next day we get Punisher image. 11 months and 11 days later, we get it again. So let's treat 4.24.19 as Zero Day for the 11.11 MARKER.


  1. Q posts a reference to Michael Rogers two minutes later on 4.24.19. Michael Rogers leaves office on May 4, 2018. May 4th is 5/4 which is a mirror for 4/5 which could = D5. Maybe Rogers sets off the avalanche. Or IG. Or both.


  1. Interestingly the 1st D5 reference ever by Q was a few days later on May 10, 2018.


  1. Fast forward to May 15, 2018, and we the 1776 Declaration of Independence post on the same day as the letter from Meadows, Jordan and DeSantis asking for DECLAS.


  1. On May 16, 2018, we have Trump signing an EO, obviously referencing DECLAS, and then sitting on it through Mid Terms, Mexico election, Brazil election, Ukraine election, Bush Funeral, etc… Until now?


  1. On May 17, 2018, we have the D5 reference again related to the IG report drop.


Let's map these dates as follows to the current market of 4.24.19…….


5.14.18 = 4.24.19 = 11.11 = Zero day marker

5.15.18 declas = 4.25.19 = 11.1 = Day +1

5.16.18 EO = 4.26.19 = 11.2 = Day +2

5.17.18 IG = 4.27.19 = 11.3 = Day +3


Now let's map 11.3 through 11.11 rolling forward.


Proof to begin on 11.3 = 4.27.19

Than means Podesta would be indicted 11.3?

Actionable 11.4 = 4.28.19

[?] 11.5 = 4.29.19 Monday

Huma 11.6? = 4.30.19

BARR SENATE 11.7 = 5.1.19

BARR HOUSE 11.8 = 5.2.19

[?] 11.9 = 5.3.19 Friday

Suicide Weekend?

[?] 11.10 = 5.4.19 Saturday

[?] 11.11 = 5.5.19 Sunday (HRC)


11.11 The day America is unified again.