What They Don’t Want You To Know
George Carlin
What They Don’t Want You To Know
George Carlin
PB&J w/ Cheetos is where it’s at.
California AG's Planned Parenthood ties questioned in undercover pro-life investigators case
Bernie Sanders gets heckled at “She The People” event, for black women in Houston, TX
Newsweek hit piece on Christianity, Trump and Fox News making AOC the victim.
Yep, Putin jumped on that as soon as the Ukraine’s Presidential Election was done.
🎶🎶 Stevie Ray Vaughn - Cold Shot 🎶🎶
Former AG Michael Mukasey calls out Chris Cuomo at CNN for 'misleading' coverage of Mueller investigation
Putin’s press conference after his 1st mtg. w/ NK Kim
Russia launches huge 'doomsday' supersub
Fox video from last night already has 95k views and 1k comments, primarily from QArmy!
Widespread cannibalism
Iran’s Foreign Minister proposes prisoner swap for jailed British-Iranian Mother