Firstly, well done Rolling Stone. That's a great article there with the crazy looking POTUS and your in depth analysis based on hearsay from 'two people close to Trump'. But - lets look a little closer shall we…now to be fair I have just picked a recent block of five original tweets, not retweets all from the same relative period. Obviously POTUS is more active personally and HUSSEIN is not as twatter happy but more polished and probably filtered through focus groups, social media managers and graphic designers. As you can clearly see, user engagement is far higher with POTUS especially with comments, OK a lot of that will be shills but those shills are not engaging with HUSSEIN. I am not going to speculate on fake followers, thats for others to dig on. I am just focusing on the basic numbers which clearly show a massive disparity in user engagement in POTUS' favour.
Followers = 59.9m
Tweets = 5
Comments = 90k (1,502 PER MILLION FOLLOWERS)
Retweets = 138k (2,303 PER MILLION FOLLOWERS)
Likes = 517k (8,631 PER MILLION FOLLOWERS)
Followers = 106m
Tweets = 5
Comments = 3.5k (33 PER MILLION FOLLOWERS)
Retweets = 23.9k (225 PER MILLION FOLLOWERS)
Likes = 183k (1,726 PER MILLION FOLLOWERS)