oh forgot...the significance of the backwards spelling with oprah is she has always said was given that name because it is Harpo spelled backwards, some meaning for her dad?
oh forgot...the significance of the backwards spelling with oprah is she has always said was given that name because it is Harpo spelled backwards, some meaning for her dad?
oh forgot...the significance of the backwards spelling with oprah is she has always said was given that name because it is Harpo spelled backwards, some meaning for her dad?
wondering if the reason they are all trying so hard to "break the internet" is because it has made all other news and entertainment outlets obsolete and they are losing fortunes…so now they are trying to reel the internet back in…
was it the "sister" that the mother dumped into foster care?
oh, ok…so mu nest guess was sacrifice
anybody hear anything else on the representative that went to Kenya and fell ill?
Maybe they will let her be their Leader at Gitmo
I'm heading over to twtr now to blast a bunch of memes for IBOR…hopefully we'll some good bites this evening. Yesterday, I had about 40 folks comment and say they were signing