Q saying Isreal is last, would be a fact based demonization.
800 assholes saying "all jews are evil" at the same time, is a hill tactic.
We all know the Jews are heavily involved. Their justice will be delivered by POTUS and Q Team.
We also (are pretty certain) JK is a white hat.
If we paint with a broad brush, we make ourselves easily written off as antisemitic.
That won't help us awaken the masses.
That will get rid of the good patriotic jews who have been working along side us.
There is no doubt that the Jews like Rothschild, Soros, Israeli are bad actors. Likely many more.
Instead of screaming "kill all the jews".
Why don't you post fact based information to educate everyone?
That's how you reach people.
That's how you don't get written of as motivated by hate and antisemitism.
That's how we keep our jew-patriots.
There are many people who think by supporting POTUS we are already nazis.
Don't make their job easier.
Make it harder.
If you were intelligent you would already know that.
If you were intelligent I wouldn't need to spell this out.
Maybe you are the ones glowing?