Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:07 a.m. No.6308963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How much of the EU does China own? RT’s Boom Bust is here with the answer


China’s investments in the EU have seen a significant surge over the past decade. Nearly 9.5 percent of the bloc’s foreign-owned firms have their ownership based in China, Hong Kong, and Macau, up from 2.5 percent in 2007.


Chinese entities reportedly operate, partially or wholly, at least four airports, six seaports, wind-farms in nine countries and 13 professional football teams. The world’s second-biggest economy has invested around €320 billion ($356bn) into the bloc.


While the total amount is not huge, the pace seems alarming. The volume and nature of the investments has raised a red flag, and EU leaders are pressing for a strategy to tackle China’s relentless advances into Europe.


RT’s Boom Bust talked to Richard Wolff, a professor emeritus of economics at the University of Massachusetts, to analyze the potential superpower shift that is underway across the Atlantic.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.6308988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8993 >>9018

Wall Street bankers make triumphant return to Saudi Arabia just in time for mass beheadings


Global finance leaders, who boycotted the Saudi investment summit last year over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, have returned to Riyadh despite the beheadings of dozens of people this week.


Big investors, particularly from Wall Street, joined panels at the two-day financial forum which began on Wednesday in Riyadh.


Larry Fink, CEO of US investment corporation BlackRock, told the conference that his company had bought some of Saudi state-owned oil giant Aramco’s bonds and was looking for other “opportunities” in the kingdom.


“This is an economy that we have a lot of confidence in, I think the future is bright,” he said, adding: “We are excited about the role that we can continue to play here.”


Fink added: “The changes here in the kingdom in the last two years are pretty amazing.”


He was joined by HSBC CEO John Flint, co-president of JPMorgan Chase Daniel Pinto, and others. Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon reportedly visited Riyadh earlier this month, just days before the bank helped arrange a multibillion dollar bond sale for Aramco.


The summit is taking place as Riyadh announced on Tuesday it had executed 37 people in connection with alleged ‘terrorism crimes.’ The majority of those killed were Shiite Muslims.


United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet condemned the mass executions, calling them “shocking” and “abhorrent.” “At least 3 [of the men] were minors when sentenced & one of the men’s bodies was put on public display,” her office said in a statement on Twitter.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:14 a.m. No.6309004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Spencer Davis Group - 'Gimme Some Lovin' Stereo Music Video


Rare 'music video' of the Spencer Davis Group singing "Gimme Some Lovin", and featuring a Stereo music mix.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:17 a.m. No.6309044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9068

LIVE STREAM VIDEO: Steve Bannon, Frank Gaffney Speak On China’s Economic Warfare Against America


The event is taking place in New York City. Guo Media is providing the livestream:

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:20 a.m. No.6309062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Army kills a number of terrorists, destroys their dens in Hama countryside


Hama, SANA- Syrian Arab Army’s units responded to terrorist groups’ breaches of the de-escalation zone agreement by targeting their movements and fortified points in Hama northern countryside.


SANA’s reporter in Hama said that army units on Thursday carried out rocket and artillery strikes against dens for the terrorist groups in the villages of Qastoun,al-Zaqoum and Qulaidin in the northern countryside of Hama, killing or injuring a number of the terrorists ,and destroying their dens and their fortified points.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:23 a.m. No.6309092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9208 >>9675

Army Colonel dies after helping motorist change tire on VA highway


An Alabama native and decorated Army hero died Monday from injuries he sustained after helping a motorist change a tire on a Virginia highway, his command said Wednesday.


Col. Gregory S. Townsend, 46, commander of the 23rd Quartermaster Brigade at the Fort Lee Army Base in Virginia, died April 18 while aiding a stranded motorist on U.S. Highway 460, according to the U.S. Quartermaster School.


Townsend was driving on the highway on April 18 when he stopped to help a motorist change a tire. After he finished changing the tire, the vehicle fell on Townsend. He was taken by life flight helicopter to VCU Critical Care Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, where he received treatment until his death on Monday.


Townsend grew up in Alabama and attended Auburn University. Shortly after graduating Auburn, he entered the Army in May 1996 and was commissioned through ROTC into the Quartermaster Corps.


“The loss of Col. Greg Townsend is devastating for his Family and the Army. He was a dedicated leader and the most genuine man you could meet,” said Brig. Gen. Douglas M. McBride Jr., 55th Quartermaster General and commandant of the Quartermaster School. “Our thoughts and prayers are with Greg’s family and friends during this very difficult time. His legacy as a servant leader will live on in the hearts and minds of all Soldiers that he has served with and led.”

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:25 a.m. No.6309117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9283

FL Senate passes bill that allows classroom teachers to be armed


More than a year after last year’s Valentine’s Day shooting in Parkland that shocked the state and blurred party lines in the state Capitol, the Florida Senate passed a follow-up bill that has become increasingly partisan because of its expansion of a program that would allow classroom teachers to be armed.


It succeeded on a 22-17 vote. Although the vote count isn’t far off from last year’s 20-18 vote, Tuesday’s vote fell much more along party lines. Only one senator, Sen. Anitere Flores, a Republican from Miami, kept it from being a complete party-line passage when she voted against the bill with all the Democrats.


The 54-page proposal, Senate Bill 7030, cleared the floor with its most contentious piece intact: an expansion of the “Guardian” program created last year that would allow teachers to volunteer to carry guns after undergoing screening and training by a sheriff’s office.


Under the current law, educators who “exclusively perform classroom duties” are not eligible to participate in the program — a carve-out that was added as a compromise to Democrats and then-Gov. Rick Scott, who opposed allowing teachers to have guns on campus.


Sen. Lauren Book, D-Plantation, who served on the post-Parkland commission charged with reviewing the government failures that led to the deadly shooting, spoke for more than 20 minutes on the Senate floor on Tuesday, sometimes through tears, about how conflicted she felt about her vote. She ultimately voted against it.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:29 a.m. No.6309150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

VIDEO: Chinese Navy shows off new destroyer in massive military parade


China debuted a new naval destroyer this week as it celebrated the 70th anniversary of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy.


During a parade of their military assets aired on state television on Tuesday, China unveiled the 10,000-ton Nanchang (101), a Type 055 stealth destroyer, Reuters reported.


Nanchang was launched in 2017, but began sea trials in Sept. 2018. Some experts have said that China publicly unveiling the destroyer is an indication that it’s combat ready.


The destroyer demonstrates China’s most recent efforts to significantly upgrade its military capabilities. especially its naval strategy which also plans to add six more aircraft carriers to its fleet by 2035, four of which will be nuclear-powered, South China Morning Post reported in February.


The new destroyer is equipped with 112 vertical-launch cells capable of “HHQ-9 surface-to-air missiles, YJ-18 anti-ship cruise missiles, and CJ-10 land-attack cruise missiles,” Business Insider reported.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:34 a.m. No.6309195   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI files reveal how Hitler allegedly lost his mustache, fled to Argentina


A declassified trove of heavily redacted documents belonging to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has revealed that in 1945, the agency was tipped off about Nazi German leader Adolf Hitler allegedly escaping from the victorious Allied troops in a submarine and hiding in Argentina.


According to the information, which the FBI then forwarded to the military intelligence, Hitler arrived in the South American country along with about 50 other people – possibly Nazi officials and their family members — and went into hiding “in foothills of the southern Andes”.


The FBI’s sources also claimed that by the time of his arrival to Argentina, Hitler had been suffering from ulcers and asthma, and had shaved off his famous moustache. The sources also identified six Argentina officials who allegedly arranged shelter for the Nazi leader and his entourage.


The files reveal, however, that FBI personnel working on the report had doubted the veracity of the sources’ claims, pointing at the “lack of sufficient information to support the story” and noting that it would be “impossible to continue efforts to locate Hitler with the sparse information obtained to date”.


Following the collapse of the Third Reich, a number of conspiracy theories emerged, claiming that Adolf Hitler had survived the fall of Berlin and fled to some sort of secret Nazi hideout in South America or even Antarctica.


These rumours were further fanned by the fact that a number of Nazi war criminals, including Adolf Eichmann, one of the architects of the Holocaust, and the Auschwitz physician Josef Mengele, were indeed able to escape abroad and hide there. Some of them even managed to elude capture until the end of their lives.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:37 a.m. No.6309216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9277 >>9617

Playing God: Crispr’d GMO Food Will Stock Grocery Shelves Within 5 Years


The FDA is lobbied and dominated by Big-Ag Technocrats who insist that GMO food is ‘substantially equivalent’ to its natural counterpart, so the GMO food race is full-speed ahead. This trend will substantially change the entire global food chain. ⁃ TN Editor


A geneticist at the University of California who helped invent the gene-editing tool Crispr told Business Insider she believes its most profound impacts will be on food.


Several Crispr’d crops have already been made, and although you can’t buy them yet, she said she expects to see them in grocery stores within 5 years.


In Silicon Valley, some startups are even using Crispr to make lab-grown meat.


The geneticist, Jennifer Doudna, was named to Business Insider’s list of the10 People Transforming Healthcare.


While ethicists debate the applications of blockbuster gene-editing tool Crispr in human healthcare, an inventor of the tool believes it has a more immediate application: improving our food.


“I think in the next five years the most profound thing we’ll see in terms of Crispr’s effects on people’s everyday lives will be in the agricultural sector,”Jennifer Doudna, the University of California Berkeley geneticist who unearthed Crispr in early experiments with bacteria in 2012, told Business Insider.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:42 a.m. No.6309257   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI Fails Privacy And Accuracy Tests On Its Facial Recognition Tools According To GAO Report, While A.I. Police State Advances


The FBI has failed to assuage concerns of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on its use of facial recognition technology according to a new report.


Numerous issues were raised three years ago after the congressional watchdog urged the FBI to improve its practices in order to meet privacy and accuracy standards expected.


Since 2015, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have used the Next Generation Identification-Interstate Photo System, which uses facial recognition software to link potential suspects to crimes, pulling from a database of more than 30 million mugshots and other photos, Nextgov reported.


The organization then proposed six changes to be made to the FBI’s practices. All of those concerns have been failed to be addressed according to the report.


“By addressing these issues, DOJ would have reasonable assurance that their [facial recognition] technology provides accurate information that helps enhance, rather than hinder, criminal investigations,” Gretta Goodwin, GAO’s director of justice and law enforcement issues, told Nextgov. “Even more, DOJ would help ensure that it is sufficiently protecting the privacy and civil liberties of U.S. citizens.”

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.6309297   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A Sign Of The Times We Are Living In: Court Documents Indicate 7,819 Boy Scout Troop Leaders Abused 12,254 Victims


This is a very difficult article for me to write. As a young child I was a member of the Cub Scouts, and I still have very fond memories from those days. Throughout my life I always had a tremendous amount of respect for the Boy Scouts, and so it greatly saddened me to learn about the abuse that has been running rampant in that organization. Of course this is just a very small part of a much larger trend that is plaguing our society, but if this kind of abuse is pervasive even among the Boy Scouts, what organization is truly safe for America’s kids? Have we gotten to the point as a society where our children are literally not safe anywhere?


According to ABC News, court documents that were just released indicate that 12,254 victims were abused by 7,819 Boy Scout troop leaders over the years…


An expert who has been working with the Boy Scouts revealed that there may have been as many as 7,819 allegedly sexually abusive troop leaders and volunteers in the storied organization, according to newly released court documents.


More than 7,800 individuals allegedly abused 12,254 victims, according to the court testimony.


This is what can happen when a society has absolutely no moral foundation whatsoever. These days, many Americans seem to believe that our country will be turned in the right direction if we can just get the correct political leaders into place, but that is not true at all.


No political solution is going to fix this kind of evil. Our core problems are moral and spiritual in nature, and most people don’t seem to understand that.


A lawyer named Jeff Anderson is searching for even more Boy Scout victims, and he says that his firm has already identified 130 perpetrators in New York and 50 in New Jersey…



Attorney Jeff Anderson said Tuesday that he’s identified 130 perpetrators of child sex abuse in the Boy Scouts of America in New York. Anderson and Greg Gianforcaro’s law firm also announced they’ve identified 50 other Boy Scout leaders in New Jersey who have been accused of sexual misconduct with minors.


The names stem from the Boy Scouts’ so-called “Perversion Files.” During a morning press conference, Anderson said, “This is far from complete. The work has just begun.”


In the end, this scandal could end up destroying the Boy Scouts, and that is truly sad because they were a pillar of American society during the post-World War II era.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:50 a.m. No.6309324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9693


In some respects we are making huge gains


Mandatory gun safety courses begin in 2 Iowa schools this spring


Two rural school districts in Iowa are implementing a mandatory firearm safety course as part of the physical education requirements for 7th and 8th graders.


School districts in Clarksville and North Butler, Iowa will start the programs this year and they will teach students proper gun procedures for loading and unloading, handling, caring, shooting and carrying, the Tribunist reported.


The program will be directed by the Butler County Conservation Board, and the guns used in the courses will be inoperable and live ammunition will not be used.


Aside from gun safety with unloaded guns, the course will also teach basic survival and first aid skills, water safety, wildlife identification, and once in-class training and homework is complete, students will receive a certificate of completion from the local Department of Natural Resources, Fox News reported.


This is a 10-hour mandatory course that students will take over a one-week period, although parents do have the opportunity to opt their child out and attend a study hall instead.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:53 a.m. No.6309348   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Political correctness gone mad”: Lord Admiral slams maritime museum for gender-neutral ships


The de-gendering of ships by the Scottish maritime museum is “political correctness gone mad,” a retired senior British Royal Navy officer has said. He warned conceding to pressure groups is a “very dangerous road to go down”, reports.


Admiral Lord Alan West was responding to the Scottish Maritime Museum’s decision to introduce a “gender neutral interpretation” of ships, following a spate of vandalism targeting the words ‘she’ and ‘her’ on one of their signs.


Lord West, the former head of the Royal Navy, phoned BBC Radio 4’s Today show, to argue that boats have been referred to as ‘she’ for centuries, and scraping that tradition would be “absolutely stupid.”


“It’s stark staring bonkers and political correctness gone mad… an insult to a generation of sailors, the ships are seen almost as a mother to preserve us from the dangers of the sea and also from the violence of the enemy.”


David Mann, director of the maritime museum, in Irvine, Scotland, claims they have been forced into making the changes, saying offended vandals have targeted their “very expensive” signs for a second year in a row.


The museum will now phase in the use of new gender neutral signs, having recognized the changes in society around gender neutral interpretation, despite previously having followed the universally-adopted maritime tradition of referring to vessels as female.


Lord West, who served under Gordon Brown’s Labour government between 2007 and 2010, warned that it’s a “very dangerous road we are going down” if changes are made to age-old traditions, based on the concerns of “tiny pressure groups.”

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 7:56 a.m. No.6309379   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NBC and CNN Caught FAKING Measles Pics


The mainstream media has been caught red handed faking measles photos of children seemingly in an attempt to scare the public into to getting vaccinated. YouTube reporter Nathan Stolpman of the Lift The Veil channel reveals the photos along with recent news about people being fined for not getting the MMR jab.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 8:01 a.m. No.6309433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9579 >>9584 >>9621

Macron to hold press conference and announce reform plan in response to Yellow Vest protests


French President Emmanuel Macron will today reveal his long-awaited response to almost half a year of street protests in a reform plan that could prove decisive for his presidency and long-term political future.

The Yellow Vests in France and Belgium may be only the tip of the iceberg of a major social upheaval ahead of the European elections, with a common denominator: people protesting their worsening living standards do not want to be represented by the existing political forces.

Tonight, at 6:00 pm (1600 GMT) Macron will hold a formal press conference to announce a series of reforms drawn up after a vast listening exercise he launched in response to the protests.

He is expected to announce important, but not revolutionary reforms, including tax cuts for middle classes, as well as the abolition of the ENA administration school which has become a direct feeder for the French elite.


For Macron, known to favour surprise and the dramatic gesture, the stakes are huge.

“Macron prepares to launch Act 2 of his presidency”, said the Le Figaro newspaper.

Polls show his popularity rating stuck on or even under 30%, a far cry from the heady days after his inauguration almost two years ago when his approval rating was over 60%.

Macron already has his eye on 2022 presidential elections, heavily aware that his two predecessors Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande only lasted for one term and failed to implement lasting change.

At stake is not just his ambitious agenda to modernise France but his status as a global statesman able to stand up to US President Donald Trump and lead Europe as German Chancellor Angela Merkel steps aside and the UK is bedevilled by Brexit.

While Macron has taken questions abroad from reporters and when foreign dignitaries come to Paris, this will be the first time he holds a full wide-ranging press conference with domestic media in France.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 8:04 a.m. No.6309465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YouTube and Google Pour Millions into News Publishers, Overwhelming Majority Are Left-Leaning


It’s no secret that as technology continues to grow, the impact of technology is felt in just about every industry imaginable.


Google feels like journalism, however, is struggling to keep up with the ever-growing technology industry and feels the need to help publishers keep up with the changes.


As Google puts it, “while the demand for quality journalism is as high as it’s ever been, the business of journalism is under pressure, as publications around the world face challenges from an industry-wide transition to digital.”


Enter the Google News Initiative.


The goal of the initiative is to “build a more informed world [that] is inherently tied to the reporting of journalists and news organizations.”

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 8:06 a.m. No.6309482   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Foghat Slow Ride Live in Detroit 1976


This is the full live version of "Slow Ride" from Foghat's Fool For the City album performed live in late 1976 in Detroit with slide guitar intro.

Anonymous ID: f31119 April 25, 2019, 8:16 a.m. No.6309583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just add his name to the list it gets bigger by the year… FKing idiot


5 World Leaders Who Were Accused of Being the Antichrist