Anonymous ID: a5a368 April 25, 2019, 10:16 a.m. No.6310810   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is much larger than her stupid kid book ordeal- that's a cover.


I believe this goes back to 2015/16, Black Lives Matter and Freddie Gray riots. Remember the then mayor- Stephanie Rawlings Blake (who went on to be secretary of DNC) made the police stand down during the riots that tore Baltimore apart. They burned down buildings (insurance money) and then built more (investments)- The guy in charge of business development in Baltimore just stepped down recently -

"“Cole led the effort to attract and retain businesses in Baltimore.

<He helped create a new the city Innovation fund that aims to provide one-time investments for high-growth small businessfes


He also helped bring businesses together to help neighborhoods affected by the unrest following Freddie Gray's death in 2015.”"


Also, tanks were deployed but even like our pal Tariq says, not in Charlottesville. Thats so racisttttttttt! (or was it due to more nefarious reasons like the potential to allow UN/FEMA involvement?)


Cops felt "fucked". ya, I would too if someone tried to pin a riot on me.

Thanksfully they were exonerated.


Jump a few years to now:


From 4 days ago: newly uncovered info on the Baltimore Riots:

“it is clear and evident that this is an orchestrated attack as most of the rioters have backpacks on which contain bricks and other objects that are being thrown at police officers.”


Q post 1862:

>Why is ANTIFA allowed to incite violence, wear masks, make threats, >use/carry weapons, and physically harm others who oppose their >ideology?


>Why doesn't the LEFT condone such acts of violence and call for an >immediate end?

>Define 'Projection'.

>Define 'Insurance Policy'.


>What does WRAY know and when will he release to the PUBLIC?

>Does such violence (extremism) justify NG deployment in the future >ahead of 'planned' public releases?


Maryland Gov deployed NG during the riots, so yes it does justify.


Now go back to when the current Baltimore mayor forced kids to protest in DC and it was uncovered the cost of the protesting was paid for by private donor- Soros related. Safe to say Soros bought them all off? Probably.



Now this is weak shit, but shows how corrupt Catherin Pugh is, to me this says she received an influx of cash that all of a sudden justified buying a designer dress she couldn't previously stomach purchasing


Oh, and Cummings WAS right by her side:


But is now glad Pugh' issues are being looked into:


In just one short year?

Frens, have we finally come around to where the Faux Violence is coming to an end, being investigated, and will finally be exposed?