Anonymous ID: 3f2ef3 April 25, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.6314775   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Do we know they are specifically FBI contractors? Might be suffering a bit of 'tardedness at the moment…


All of Q's statements were very generic. We do know, however, that Manafort gave testimony in the case of Deripaska. Now, this could come back around to Trump because Ivanka is close friends with the ex-wife of a Deripaska business partner. There was even speculation a while back that Ivanka's business could be sanctioned over her connection:


If Manafort was tapped to be an FBI informant/contractor during his time doing business for Deripaska, then it would be an avenue that could touch back to the Trump family.

We know Manafort was the target of a FISA warrant, but it is also possible that he was effectively an FBI employee the entire time. Which would make the whole FISA process corrupt as hell, since it was his actions as an employee used to treat him as a foreign agent (granted, Manafort would have incentive, once within the campaign, to influence policy to free up assets held by Deripaska).


Of course… It was Kushner who put Manafort on the campaign, and it was Manafort who put Page on, as well. So if we track this logically, it wasn't a coincidence that Kushner chose a man who the FBI was looking to use for a FISA-1 Warrant. Page was put in to give a layer of insulation - prosecute page as the spy and maybe burn manafort, too - pay no attention to the man behind the curtain who was bought and paid for by Soros.


That would give us Steele, Manafort, Page… Possibly. If contractors are individuals and Manafort/Page each count as Q's contractors. I have my doubts since I don't recall if Q was indicating these were bad actors or just actors.


Crowdstrike is, perhaps another. Or Q could also be hinting that there were companies with much closer ties to the FBI as contractors than we are currently taking into account.

Anonymous ID: 3f2ef3 April 25, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.6315001   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That sounds like a terribad idea for an SCIF.

As for how they got access, interim security clearances can be issued - though for an interim clearance to an SCIF …. You need some brass balls or someone rather high up the food chain making it clear those balls won't get chopped off. I am not sure where the dividing lines are, but the authority to classify information comes from the office of the President, so he would have ultimate authority to grant an exemption, I would imagine.


Remember when the press made a big deal about Kushner's interim clearance? I think we saw the primer.