Anonymous ID: 74caef April 25, 2019, 4:13 p.m. No.6314503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Cabal


The cabal runs everything and have done so for a very long time.

For millennia they have needed us, we the people WW,

to work for them to build the world and ultimately create our own demise.


In the last few decades technology caught up and the need for we the people WW evaporated. So they set about destroying their slaves, us. Anyone who thinks we are not slaves should look at places like Australia a purpose built slave colony set up by the elite class

run and administered via think tanks which guide the political charade. There were/are no ending of slavery agreements in Australia. This is the model WW.


There is no way to fight them unless you side with them so you can infiltrate and expose them from within!




Due to an historic perversion and expert mind

programming labeled as Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques.


“History is a fable agreed upon.” Napoleon Bonaparte


At the dawn of human history, some 6000 years ago, in the ancient city of Babylon, a spurt of great prosperity in agriculture brought about a population boom and the formation of family tribes, which also spirited a frenzy of fights and battles within and between these groups in an effort to establish tribal supremacy. Out of this confusion arose an intelligent and tyrannical individual by the name of Hamurabi.Hamurabi devised a system of mind control, population control and laws of conduct and trade, which was later defined as: The Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques.Hamurabi’s system of controls was reduced into writing, in which he combined local folk wisdom and prophecy in an effort to lend to his system more credibility among the tribes and he included

additional propaganda about the existence of an omniscient, omnipresent, Almighty God, who saw all things, rewarded all deeds and punished all misconduct.


NOTE: There was another civilization the size of the ancient Roman Empire that existed near the City of Babylon some two thousand years earlier, which has just recently been discovered by archeologists and it would be a reasonable conclusion or assumption that the folk wisdom and prophecy of Babylon was actually derived from this earlier civilization. The continent of Atlantis however existed several thousands of years before that, which continues to be denied by the royal and elite faction through their slave drivers, paid historians, paid scientists and media representatives.


Hamurabi’s system of control, conduct, folklore and prophecy preempted the Christian Holy Bible and the general laws of government. His trade laws would eventually become known as the Law of Merchants, which is still used and recognized today internationally as the Uniform Commercial Code. Hamurabi plagiarized the concept and existence of an Almighty God, which had been prophesized for many years in folk legend and he cleverly included himself in these writings as the man name d: Abraham.


NOTE: As you read on you will see that according to these Asian historians, they have concluded that the Christian Holy Bible was actually compiled by the royal and elite classes to be used as a tool to keep them in power and to help them control and drive the ignorant and unwashed masses defined as their slaves!


Part 1

Anonymous ID: 74caef April 25, 2019, 4:54 p.m. No.6314936   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Global Government And Mass Surveillance Needed To Save Humanity, Expert Says


A prominent Oxford philosopher who is known for making terrifying predictions about humanity has a new theory about our future, and it isn’t pretty.


Over 15 years ago, Nick Bostrom, author of Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, made the case that we are all living in a Matrix-like computer simulation run by another civilization.


Here’s a summary of that theory, explained by Vox:


In an influential paper that laid out the theory, the Oxford philosopher Nick Bostromshowed that at least one of three possibilities is true: 1) All human-like civilizations in the universe go extinct before they develop the technological capacity to create simulated realities; 2) if any civilizations do reach this phase of technological maturity, none of them will bother to run simulations; or 3) advanced civilizations would have the ability to create many, many simulations, and that means there are far more simulated worlds than non-simulated ones. (source)


Will humanity eventually be destroyed by one of its own creations?


If you find the idea of living in a computer simulation that is run by unknown beings troubling, wait until you hear Bostrom’s latest theory.