Anonymous ID: 93958c April 25, 2019, 5:40 p.m. No.6315573   🗄️.is 🔗kun

bombshell report on comey in two weeks…

>>6315078 lb (notables)

I hope to see CJB comments on Comey age well too…


Vice President Joseph R. Biden called FBI Director James Comey a “straight guy,” in spite of being a Republican, who will be fair in his renewed investigation of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s emails.


“Look, I’ve found him to be a straight guy,” Mr. Biden told CNN’s Michael Smerconish in an interview released Saturday. “He’s a tough guy, he’s a Republican, but he’s always been straight. And I’m confident that this will turn out fine.”


The interview was conducted Friday, and the vice president was unaware at the time that new Clinton emails had been found on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of Clinton aide Huma Abedin and a former Democratic congressman from New York. Federal agents were probing Mr. Weiner’s involvement in an alleged sexting case with a 15-year-old girl.


Told by Mr. Smerconish about Mr. Weiner’s role in uncovering the emails, Mr. Biden replied, “Oh God, Anthony Weiner. Um, I should not comment on Anthony Weiner. I’m not a big fan. And I wasn’t before he got in trouble, so I shouldn’t comment on Anthony Weiner.”


Mr. Biden said he agrees with Mrs. Clinton that the FBI should release all the emails, said to be more than 10,000, for the public to assess before the election on Nov. 8.


“I think the quicker they release the emails for the public to see them, the better off… I have confidence in Hillary,” Mr. Biden said. “They should release the emails for the whole world to see. To the best of my knowledge, it won’t prejudice the investigation.”

Anonymous ID: 93958c April 25, 2019, 6:17 p.m. No.6316043   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It turns out that Aveshka not only deals with FISAs, but it also deals with national security letters and the President's Intelligence Advisory Board (IOB).


>>4773989 breads back


Robert Mueller has an overall abysmal history of corruption and putting innocent men in prison.

Last Spring, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) published a 48-page report called "Robert Mueller Unmasked" to expose the Special Counsel's decades of corruption.


Gohmert covers Mueller's shady past of helping mobster Whitey Bulger by eliminating mob competitors. Mueller put people in prison for crimes they did not commit.


Rep Gohmert goes into detail about Mueller's questionable decisions while he was the Director of the FBI including raids of Congressmen.


Mueller also has a pattern of abusing 'national security letters' which allows the DOJ to bypass the formality of subpoenas.


Now dirty cop Mueller is conducting a multi-million dollar witch hunt based on a fraudulent Russia dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC and Bill Barr thinks he is a credible man.


Unbelievable. This is not good news…