When the Nazi ideology is taken down by the White Hats, you'll be among those arrested and in jail.
Get off this board you loser.
We can see your anti-semite baiting you shitheads.
You don't belong in the movement you weak clown.
You are an enemy, because you hate individuals not for the content of their character, but by their ethnicity.
Trump would smack your ass on live television.
You and all the assholes like you are nothing but a fetter to be driven over.
You are a clown who is trying and failing to smear the movement as ethnicity based.
Your dumb memes are dumb.
Get off this board you loser.
For ACTIONS that your mere words must necessarily lead to.
Whoever trained them and hired them should be fired.
It is not merit that they're looking for.
I am starting to enjoy filtering all the pro-Nazi shill losers here.