[T4C0b0t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]****,=,e\_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: a132ee April 25, 2019, 6:25 p.m. No.6316231   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:20 71c82c (2) No.6316208




>Q+ going hard on Hillary!!


>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:23 fe4bf7 (1) No.6316209




>dang i love this stuff


>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:24 42d0ad (1) No.6316210


>File (hide): a91d821cf686850⋯.jpg (705.22 KB, 2016x1349, 2016:1349, ItsHappeninMan.jpg) (h) (u)




>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:25 d1c5c1 (2) No.6316211


>this gave me a chuckle.. good work and about time the FBI did something right


>FBI raids home, offices of Baltimore mayor over suspicious book sales


>Federal agents raided the home of Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh, who has been under investigation for questionable business ties.


>An FBI spokesman said search warrants had been issued for the mayor’s residence, offices in Baltimore’s City Hall, as well as another location related to a nonprofit organization managed by the mayor.


> Search warrants being executed at #Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh as well as City Hall - a few agents have already left several remain inside no sign of Pugh pic.twitter.com/KacHPzI7ud


> — JoyLepolaStewart (@jlepolastewart) April 25, 2019


>Pugh came under suspicion earlier this year, when a Baltimore Sun investigation revealed the mayor had earned thousands of dollars selling her ‘Healthy Holly’ children’s book series to companies looking to land contracts with the city.


>In one sale, Pugh was paid some $114,000 by healthcare firm Kaiser Permanente, which two years later would be awarded a multi-million dollar contract providing health coverage for city workers. Pugh sits on the city’s budget board, which approved the contract.


>The mayor also had previously undisclosed business dealings with the University of Maryland Medical System, where she served as a longtime board member.




>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:26 394e9d (6) No.6316212










>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:26 d54727 (3) No.6316213


>File (hide): 36525a7e72fe0be⋯.jpg (365.74 KB, 1026x1272, 171:212, 20190425_202342.jpg) (h) (u)



>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:28 b4d804 (1) No.6316214




>Wrong, Q & POTUS are in the room with us!


>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:28 43021b (1) No.6316215


>File (hide): 03ffc7bab6dd7f5⋯.png (387.59 KB, 582x447, 194:149, loneranger.png) (h) (u)




>Pussy would have been a good code name as well


>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:30 dfd727 (4) No.6316216


>File (hide): dd465d6abbb36a8⋯.jpg (33.02 KB, 500x277, 500:277, Jonathan,Jonathan,Johnatha….jpg) (h) (u)




>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:32 dc4956 (4) No.6316217


>Q, possible to get POTUS Trump to mention the China trade deal coming down the pike? (side bar)


>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:39 45a7a3 (3) No.6316218




>justice is coming. Come through for us AG BArr


>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:40 3a0069 (2) No.6316219


>File (hide): c9afdc82364c40e⋯.jpg (116.63 KB, 766x452, 383:226, Ryder.jpg) (h) (u)










>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:45 691342 (2) No.6316220




>to be made an example of…death shall not come easy…..


>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:46 fd9bce (1) No.6316221


>File (hide): 792b42bd67b12a0⋯.jpg (649.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, beefy.jpg) (h) (u)


>One of these is not like the other




>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:49 a78b3c (2) No.6316222


>POTUS not holding anything back tonight. Full attack mode.


>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:51 d3a117 (2) No.6316223


>File (hide): 2ca01dfb6d02dfd⋯.jpg (212.97 KB, 1072x816, 67:51, NoAmerican.jpg) (h) (u)




>He's No American.


>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:58 7669f9 (1) No.6316224


>>>6315906 (LB)


>Good evening Sir,


>Listening to the President right now.


>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:24:58 d06a22 (2) No.6316225






>A renegade is a person who has deserted their cause or defied convention; they're rebels and sometimes outlaws, or even traitors. A long, long time ago, a renegade was a Christian person who decided to become Muslim.


>▶Anonymous 04/25/19 (Thu) 19:25:01 1f8cde (2) No.6316226


>File (hide): 6e0e06506bd3077⋯.jpg (109.27 KB, 569x605, 569:605, obozo-hillbag-arrested-jus….jpg) (h) (u)





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[T4C0b0t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]****,=,e\_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: a132ee April 25, 2019, 6:34 p.m. No.6316454   🗄️.is 🔗kun


4.1 million faggots learned to save their buttseks from getting stolen by these homo pedo jews with one jootube ad,

we believe in (you) anon

[T4C0b0t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]****,=,e\_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: a132ee April 25, 2019, 6:43 p.m. No.6316696   🗄️.is 🔗kun


this homo saved 444k faggots from getting their buttseks stolen by pedo jews in two months with prime ads and white pills

[T4C0b0t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]****,=,e\_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: a132ee April 25, 2019, 6:46 p.m. No.6316750   🗄️.is 🔗kun

in four months nearly 250k faggot goy didn;t get their buttseks stolen by pedo jew with just one prime ad white pilling homos