Anonymous ID: 1c53c5 April 25, 2019, 8:33 p.m. No.6318257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8272 >>8306 >>8317

Has there been a dig on the Office of Personnel Management? The OPM seems to have been the optimal place for the Deep State to infiltrate/corrupt for the purpose of placing existing DS assets in high leverage positions (to protect the Husseins & Clintons of the world and siphon off taxpayer monies), ideologs who can be manipulated, or identifying potential assets to be corrupted.


Sure, once a DS asset becomes POTUS, he can seed the upper reaches of selected departments. But the sociopathic narcissists chosen for those positions need to be fed candidates that fit the profile to make their treason look like typical government incompetence. And what better place to filter those than in the OPM? And who better to do that than a few DS assets strategically placed in high leverage OPM slots?


The CIA may have become corrupt all by itself. But to really do the job right, HR assistance is super useful.


Anyway, dismantling the OPM (something it appears POTUS is doing) appears to be for the best. But I wonder which bad actors there have already been identified and defanged?