Anonymous ID: b232a7 April 25, 2019, 7:48 p.m. No.6317723   🗄️.is 🔗kun

That Baltimore mayor story is unreal

Waiting for a similar melodramatic saga to break here in Atlanta

Keisha Lance Bottoms was hand-picked by crooked ex-mayor Kasim Reed, who's under several different investigations right now.

Corruption big-time in Atlanta

Brian Kemp has the state trying to wrestle control of Hartsfield Airport away from the City of Atlanta

Ya'll root for Brian, he's a good man, and that airport is a massive swamp, has been for years

Everybody and their damn brother has decided to move here, so we're kinda overpopulated

Traffic is horrific, stay the hell away unless you love the idea of a 90 minute one way commute to work

Anonymous ID: b232a7 April 25, 2019, 7:53 p.m. No.6317790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7960

This same hoax keeps happening over and over. Stop already, it's boring and stupid.


Family cafe owners are charged over hate crime hoax for 'staging the "most violent and vicious" Anti-Semitic attack on their own business'


BerMax Caffé owners Alexander Berent, 56, Oxana Berent, 48, and Maxim Berent, 29, have all been charged with public mischief

They told Canadian cops swastikas had been drawn on the walls of their cafe

Police called it one of the 'worst' hate crimes after it was reported last Thursday

And the incident was dubbed 'the most brazen' Winnipeg had ever seen

But officers now say the attack was staged and arrested the parents and son

A motive for staging the incident has not been disclosed by police

'We don't joke about swastikas on our walls', Oxana says, denying it was staged

Since emerged the family reported a similar hate crime the previous month

Anonymous ID: b232a7 April 25, 2019, 8:21 p.m. No.6318140   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Damn, I forgot completely about that and I was 28 years old when it happened


Any anon got a subscrip to Will need to dig into pre-internet to get this dirt.

Biden's so awful.


Here he is with his family having a nice dinner in China.

Anonymous ID: b232a7 April 25, 2019, 8:33 p.m. No.6318254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8311


That's why I think Q has mentioned so many times, simply "Pray"

When two or more are gathered in His name

And here we are.


Prayer, focused attention/energy, whatever name anyone calls it

It is a strong force. It changes things.


Keep praying for all the "active operators", wherever they are and whatever task they do.

Pray for this republic.

Anonymous ID: b232a7 April 25, 2019, 8:35 p.m. No.6318272   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Can't recall exactly where, but I read somewhere that the OPM/Office of Personnel Management is the agency in charged of assigning SES personnel.


It's the Swamp Placement Agency.

POTUS is 100% right, it's gotta go.

Anonymous ID: b232a7 April 25, 2019, 8:41 p.m. No.6318338   🗄️.is 🔗kun




" South Wales Police confirmed they are in attendance at the TATA-owned plant - with locals describing red smoke and the smell of sulphur after the loud bangs.


Helicopters can be heard overhead as the emergency services rush to the scene, with one resident saying "I can see the fire now."


One local tweeted soon after the blast at 3.30am: "Huge explosion in Port Talbot just woke me up, the house shook for a good while and I actually thought it was an earthquake again, s**t myself!"


Another said: "I swear something just blew up in port Talbot. 3 huge bangs and the pressure blew my bedroom door open.


South Wales Police then responded: "South Wales Police are aware of an incident in TATA Steelworks, Port Talbot.


"Emergency services are in attendance and further information will be released shortly. Thank you for your patience."


Reaction began flooding in, with one twitter user simply posting "Port Talbot is gooners".


Another shocked resident said: "Sitting in my bed around 3:30 heard 3 loud bangs. Opened my front door to see a cloud of red smoke followed by the smell of sulphur. Hope everyone's okay in there."


Residents flooded social media to say they felt their homes shake after the blasts.


Paget wrote: "That must of woke the whole of port Talbot , really hope everyone's ok in the steel works."


Matthew Kearney: "Port Talbot, that was the loudest thing I've ever heard. Woke me sharply, and continued to crash as I came to. Plagued now with worry about the works.


"Can hear helicopters above now. Surreal, this. Hope everyone is okay."


Twitter user @Buff423 write: "There was just a big explosion from port Talbot steelworks that just shook the house, hoping no one was hurt.


Over 4,000 people work at the plant, which is said to produce nearly five tonnes for steel per annum.


In 2001 an explosion at the plant killed three men, while the works was fined £500,000 over the death of worker Kevin Downey in 2006.


Corus Steel owned the plant until it was taken over by TATA in 2007."

Anonymous ID: b232a7 April 25, 2019, 8:45 p.m. No.6318381   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's right

Like, what motivated the original "Q" people to get so fed up that they organized the Plan?

Was it just that they knew, far more than the average person, how bad things were?

"If only you knew how bad things really are"

Well, I mean, that's pretty motivational. It fires me up to fix something.

I hope and pray that's what's happening.


There's a whole bunch of regular people, doing all kinds of things, to fix this beautiful country.