>>6318305 (PB)
I would most humbly accept it.
We The People have some things We need to get into and down to and mostly GET THROUGH, together. As Equals. One Family. One Nation.
Our time is Now.
It should.
> you nightshifters are the connection to the world while us faggot boomers need our sleep, so we can fuck with the millenials in the morning.
KeK!! Perfect. Your Generation has really come Online and I want you to know that from the HEART Of Generation
We are thankful that you're here. It's hard enough for us, as we're not exactly pups these days, to keep up with all of this stuff, so props. Your Generation got screwed hard, and the lack of compassion for your "generation"
As well as for "millinnials" or whatever the fuck you spell it, it ain't even worth my time for that bullshit at this point, but y'all get the short end of the stick ALL the time, and I'm OVER that SHIT as well. So good on you for helping them to come up, they need it. And we need you. And we need them and they need US.
One American Family
Hey Anon, I just saw that you reposted this.
I find this interesting.
His mom also had some things to say about birds singing.
I don't do well with President Kennedy's
So….New world, New America, New Rules, And the FACT is that President John F. Kennedy was NOT "assassinated", he was NOT killed by "political" opponents.
He was MURDERED by filthy, gross, inhumane "humans"
Who ENJOYED killing him for daring to be a TRUE American President. He was My People's LAST HOPE, and THEY knew it. They'd known it since 1933, when FDR (FUCK HIM!!!) stole their life's savings, and in many cases, many generations worth of Gold savings, so that as farmers, even if you hit that "once every 200 year drought", then you would be able to survive and still live. Well, that was STOLEN from, well, EVERYONE (We're ALL in THE SAME BOAT!!!! WAKE UP!!!) and then a year later, banks and weather and The Dust Bowl (Something not right out there Anons, something VERY Evil) all crashed in on them, and no savings, so there you go.
Proud people who had been doing so well one year, and then 18 months later they were burying family and friends in the middle of nowhere, and they often ate tumbleweeds and would boil rocks out of the North Platte River, to drink in the moss for what little nutrition they could find. It took them 10+ years to get back on their feet, much less sitting STRONG like they were.
ALL because FDR came and took their gold. And it WAS taken. Farmers knew better, and bankers knew that some of them would stand up. My family learned early on about "the bank men." The hard way. The hardest.
And JFK was going to RIGHT all of that. He wasn't a cartoon character or this doped up party boy that [mockingbird] would have you believe. He was the Deplorables, when we were STRONG and PROUD, and GOOD, HE was OUT final HOPE to Right ALL the wrongs, from the Fed to the CIA and everything in between, and Americans were THRILLED. There was a feeling in the air, Hopeful and Expectant. America of all ages and colors and background was unifying behind Camelot, and Rightfully so. Even with all the challenges and the bastards fighting at every turn, Jack's Vision WAS coming to Life, And It was ALL going so well, We were RIGHT THERE….
And then We went to Dallas.
I couldn't watch POTUS after election night for probably 6 months. I've seen and been through some shit, but I knew if even an attempt were made on him, I wouldn't do well.
There STILL hasn't been ANY Justice for President Kennedy. And when I was a very little boy, I promised my Grandfather, who raised me mostly (No dad, mom was a mess of biblical proportions) and his hero was JFK. And he was on the farm when the bank men showed up, and like he told me, "If The President has just NOT gone after their money, they might not have gone for it, but that's how they enslave us, with that almighty buck, the god of the age", so he was of course not a fan of the Fed Reserve, and I never have been either. WHO could be??
Bitter pills to swallow so young, but it WAS the Truth, and I told him I would fight to make sure that their was JUSTICE for President Kennedy, whom I feel VERY deeply about for some reason, maybe we all do, and those who murdered him so they could rape OUR nation and Her People with impunity for forever more.