>>6318319 pb
Re clocking fagging
Thx for your thoughtful reply. I've seen the debate go on from time to time, but more strongly recently. To be honest, there is a lot of "numbers" stuff that is not easy to verify, not just the clock fag stuff. Gematria is not easily verified, for example, although it is intriguing. Some of the most brilliant people I know are into it.
But sometimes people see numerical correlations where the evidence seems a bit thin. Where is the line between a hunch and something more substantive?
BTW, I didn't call you a shill or anybody else a shill. I said to another anon–the one who posted the meme with the crayoning on top of the clock–the "unless you are a shill, why post something…so divisive"? I never call someone a shill outright, but sometimes raise the question when an argument is made with more heat than light.
I don't wish to continue this discussion because it's not productive, I see from LB. Probably something that only Q can resolve.