Thanks, Baker.
Is it like that ship in a Dr Who episode where the whole planet-sized ship is actually being flown through space by a dragon?
Because that would be cool.
So much needless suffering.
All of us kept from being the fullest expression of the awesome that we are.
This is the Doorway.
This is the Way Out of the darkness we've all been trapped in.
Fresh Start!
Fresh Hope!
For everyone.
Improve your "jokes" or GTFO.
This DEFINITELY nothing like anything I ever imagined my life looking like! Epic^X. Not to mention so unrealistic that it breaks the rules of reality daily.
But honestly, if this is your idea of Heaven, you must be having a much better IRL "reality experience" than me. We are meming Heaven on Earth into existence, but I'm still living in hell. I've been down to the wire so long I can't remember what breathing room feels like.
Thanks, Anon. That's some great guitar.
>This kamikaze life I've led, and I should be dead 500 times over
Kek! Same here (well, probably not quite 500, but I'm sure I've exceeded my 9 lives). Clearly God was looking out for me, cause otherwise I can't believe I would've made it this far. So makes sense that we'll make it all the way to the finish line, right? It just gets more and more critical for me. I've been following God faithfully, and He's been promising me a miracle to give me a home and way to survive for a LONG timeโฆ if that miracle doesn't show up in 36 hours I'll be making the transition from "soft" homeless to "hard homeless". So my leaps of Faith get bigger and biggerโฆ
Happy Birthday FLOTUS.
May God Bless you and your Family with peace, harmony and joy.
Much Love and Gratitude!
I don't know, but I do like that image very much.
Liberalism. It's a [DeathCult] thing.
Define "cult".
Love you, Patriots.
Daily meme upload complete at The Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery.
Thanks for saving the world with free thought, Patriots.!ajhWzAID!wk3PMHb6AC7ZDX_ixGwQOA or use the tinyurl link on the meme.
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โ April 25 2019
Blue ?
What will it take for us to see the New World when it arrives?
TY. Nom nom nom.
Roger that.
I would say that if you're planning to infiltrate the masons, you might want to up your research game.