Muh Endorsement
Kid's know….just look at this !
Happy birthday FLOTUS…love and much respect from Ausanon !
not a planefag here, anon…but isn't a holding pattern held at 20,00 ft ? Might be that…wiser than me on here, though !
with so many involved in this, if by either choice or blackmail….I think that "they" are just trying to make this subject a misdemeanour type crime….shit, you can get more time for having a bag of weed !
So glad that creepy joe is running…so much material for POTUS to roast him…many KEKS a comin' !
this last year…..and now selling the furnishings…..hmmmmmm, anyone would think their normal money channels are being plugged !!
first time in GENERATIONS that this family has had to liquidate.
and there are still those who doubt POTUS and team Q
baker, can you dedicate next bread to FLOTUS please