>BOSS knew anons were paying attention. Good Morning Mr. President!
I thought (((Q))) team didn't have any "bosses"?
(((Q))) team = "Chabad" supremacist cult apparently
Do jew honestly believe (((JEWS))) are superior?
Made this into a copypasta too!
When I thought (((JEWS))) were secretly "outbreeding" to fix their shit genes, (((Q))) team posted the following using Trump's twitter account.
"Sessions didnโt have a clue!"
It seems (((they))) still prefer inbreeding. Dumb fucks.
Welp, so be it. Manual labor doesn't require good genes anyway. ;)
Made this into a copypasta also!
No, it is god who "programmed" us. All we can do is fill up the disk space and "learn" shit. Kinda like machine learning. Only we are organic machines.
What does it mean in Mass Effect?
>Morality is measured in the original Mass Effect trilogy by "Paragon" and "Renegade" points. Unlike many contemporary role-playing games, such as BioWare's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, that represent morality as a single sliding scale of good and evil, Mass Effect keeps track of the Paragon and Renegade points on separate scales. A good action will not make up for an evil one; therefore, being nice occasionally will not stop people from fearing a killer or remove the reputation of an unsympathetic heel, but nor will the occasional brutal action significantly damage the reputation of an otherwise upstanding soldier. This also means there is no gameplay-driven motivation for avoiding a particular type of action.
>Commander Shepard's Paragon and Renegade scores affect the availability of special "good" or "bad" dialogue options with significant impact. In Mass Effect, a higher score will unlock potential ranks for the Charm and Intimidate skills, where Shepard must invest skill points to make new dialogue choices available. In Mass Effect 2 the skills no longer exist; instead, the Paragon/Renegade scores unlock extra dialogue options directly.
>Q's posts last night?
REMINDER: Most posting here are part of (((Q))) team and (((they))) also control 8chan
They can post as (((Q))) whenever they wantโฆ
The MOAR you know. ;)
Hehe. This is what Renegade Shepard looks like.
Yes, do all your gaming in video games. On the streets, drive safely and responsibly. And wear your seat belts. ;)
"Yeah Moe that team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked! I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked!"
>all smarmy and lazy
Welp, unlike the (((JEWS))) they are actually helping make the world a better place. ;)
>Wake up dumb-asses.
Unless the plan is to turn it into a supermassive concentration camp. ;)
>Having Sex with the Earth
You can make babies by having "sex" with the Earth? What do they look like?
That's what would happen if you have sex with "trees" and not the "Earth".
But curious how that works alsoโฆ