The McLean Mafia is at it again.
The Jason Group, an advisory panel of scientists and academics that have conducted studies for the Pentagon since 1960, might not be dissolving after all. The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has stepped in to keep the group alive until January 2020.
MITRE Corporation has sponsored the Jasons ever since the group was formally spun off from Darpa in 2002. The notice for the contract will be up for 15 days, per government regulations.
Lisa Gordon-Hagerty, the head of the NNSA and ultimate savior of the Jasons, stressed that the work of the Jasons was important and worth preserving.
On Feb. 22, Energy Secretary Rick Perry swore in Lisa Gordon-Hagerty as the Department of Energy’s under secretary for nuclear security and administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration. NNSA was established in 2000 as a semi-autonomous DOE agency with authority over nuclear weapons activities, which includes oversight of Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories.
Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty, an "expert in nuclear weapons, "[broke] the glass ceiling when former President Bill Clinton, via a presidential directive, created her … position as Director, Weapons of Mass Destruction Preparedness, National Security Council."
Gordon-Hagerty trained with Delta Force and SEAL Team Six and organized the Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST), a U.S. Department of Energy team, according to Richard A. Clarke in his 2004 book Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror. Clarke also lists her among those present in the White House compound on September 11, 2001.
Ms. Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty is the Founder of LEG Inc. and serves as its Chief Executive Officer and President. Ms. Gordon-Hagerty serves as Managing Director of Wise, LLC. Ms. Gordon-Hagerty served as a Senior Advisor of Good Harbor Consulting, LLC.
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Mr. Richard A. Clarke - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
MITRE's Mitre's 22-acre campus is located close to the McLean Metro Station near the Pimmit Hills neighborhood in Falls Church,