Anonymous ID: c1473f April 26, 2019, 7:02 a.m. No.6321554 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>1561 >>1562 >>1594 >>1629 >>6321044 (lb) "NO C or O" or No kuru? You decide.
Anonymous ID: c1473f April 26, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.6321565 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>1569 >>1570 >>1579 >>6321561 Multiple meanings exist
Anonymous ID: c1473f April 26, 2019, 7:06 a.m. No.6321582 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>6321528 >>6321569 "doesn't have the guts" "eat him alive"? It may be a stretch, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.