My opinion? Trump telling parents to "get those shots" on the way to an NRA conference?! "Flipping" BRILLIANT! NRA, "We the People", "Right to bear Arms" folks discussing MMR! I saw a pharma shill woman (Julie Gunlock!) telling Cam of the NRA t.v. show all about how threatening it was to be "anti-vaccine". What does the left FEAR totally the most? THE ONE issue that separates human beings who love their families from satanically controlled minions. Who gets to decide what gets INJECTED into me or my baby? What is the remedy? We the People MUST reassert our Constitutional rights by removing the vaccinators from our communities. NO violence needed, but the warning: Kill or injure ANY more with these shots and we will protect our families! Why do most police carry weapons? The THREAT of force is usually enough to PREVENT acts of violence. Merck and other pharmaceutical and vaccine makers got IMMUNITY from civil liability for vaccine damage but does that remove CRIMINAL liability for knowingly conspiring to kill and maim Americans (and people of all ethnicities and religions WORLD WIDE)? If a baby dies hours after vaccination of SIDS, why is that not investigated as a homicide?!
I've dug deap on vaccines and I'd say that we need to consider the realities. NOTHING marketed for profit by big pharma is GOOD for us. I'd argue that the two "vaccines" I'm a bit open minded about are actually more like "antidotes" than "vaccines". That would be tetanus (by itself) and given after exposure to tetanus and Rabies (also given AFTER exposure) NOTE: Tetanus and rabies are cause after PUNCTURE injuries. What we call "vaccines" for those things might be more like "antivenin" than true "vaccines". As for polio, the live oral vaccine is like a pharma controlled "chicken pox" party. The child is deliberately exposed to a weakened strain of polio (via the mouth NOT injection) in order to develop immunity the NATURAL way. Downfall, you can expose others to POLIO, which is why it is not used in the US anymore.
Well, a mom (especially) misses a LOT of work when her previously healthy child devolves into autism and she has to quit her job to care for him.
I connect elevated cortisol to vaccines, however. Consider the body's "stress" response. Vaccines induce a permanent "war footing" on the immune system. Elevated cortisol would be a given, I believe. HIV (man made disease?) can fester for years before the immune system really wears down and overt disease ensues. Vaccines do something similar.
An anon posted about waiting until a child is older to vaccinate them and giving TYLENOL at the same time. Don't give a child tylenol, ever, and very importantly ESPECIALLY not around the time they are expected to get a vaccine. TYLENOL consumes the body's supply of detoxification compounds (glutathione, I believe). Even doctors now acknowledge that normal fever should be allowed to run its course. For some people with the MTHFR gene variations resulting in decreased ability to detox, the combo of MMR/vaccines and TYLENOL could cause serious damage.
This is the best "sauce" I've found on 5G, if you actually click on the link in this article and read the entire piece.
I agree with all those nutrients. Just took some iodine this morning and got some Vitamin D by sitting in the sunlight.
Can we figure out who Trump believes should get "those shots"? Does he mean young babies in their homes cared for by their parents and not out in public all that often? Or does he mean high profile politicians who travel often and whose immunity to measles or other contagious illnesses likely wore off years ago? Maybe Bill De Blasio, Dr. Richard Pan, Dr. Paul Offit, Dorit Reiss, Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Freidan (formerly of the CDC) need a few "prophylactic" injections of MMR, DTaP, HPV (NEW: Gardasil 9 with twice the ALUMINUM as the previous Gardasil), FLUAD (adjuvanted with squalene for those over 65) and etc.