Anonymous ID: 8d59ad April 26, 2019, 9:59 a.m. No.6323161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3172 >>3181 >>3234 >>3241 >>3288 >>3418 >>3659 >>3773 >>3832

REMINDER: The removal of OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to keep and bear Arms is part of the 16 year plan to destroy America



Governments remain central providers of security. This is their sovereign right and responsibility, to be performed in conformity with the rule of law. To effectively execute these tasks, their armed and security forces legitimately employ a range of weaponry, which they acquire through national production or through import. Exporters and importers need to ensure those weapons are transferred and stored safely, and not end up in the wrong hands.


Governments also have a responsibility to ensure public safety and have a vested interest in providing human security and development to their citizens. Therefore, ensuring that arms in private ownership do not enter illicit circuits must be part of the equation for every country.

Anonymous ID: 8d59ad April 26, 2019, 10 a.m. No.6323172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3181 >>3188 >>3222 >>3234 >>3298 >>3418 >>3659 >>3773 >>3832


Trump reverses U.S. course on Arms Trade Treaty during speech at NRA in Indianapolis


In an unexpected move, President Donald Trump announced Friday that he would reverse a decision by his predecessor, President Barack Obama, and will revoke the United States' signature on the United Nations Arms Treaty.


"We will never surrender American sovereignty to anyone," Trump said, adding later, "We are taking our signature back."


Trump teased his announcement for a couple of minutes, playing to his base. He said "with me, you never know," in reference to his penchant for going off-script during speeches.


"I hope you're happy," he said after the announcement. Then he signed a document from the podium, asking the U.S. Senate to send the agreement back to him so he could rescind U.S. participation.


The treaty was aimed at creating common standards for the global trade of conventional weapons and reducing the same of illicit arms.


The ATT does not include any restrictions on the type or quantity of arms that can be bought or sold in individual countries or in any way impact domestic gun control laws, according to the Arms Control Association, a nonpartisan group focused on effective arms control policies.


The main element of the treaty requires countries to adopt basic regulations governing “the flow of weapons across international borders” and creates “common international standards” that have to followed before arms exports are approved, according to the Arms Control Association.

Anonymous ID: 8d59ad April 26, 2019, 10:11 a.m. No.6323313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3418 >>3659 >>3773 >>3832



US citizens own 40% of all guns in world - more than next 25 top-ranked countries combined, study suggests (2018)


'The biggest force pushing up gun ownership around the world is civilian ownership in the United States,' says author of new report


American citizens now own 40 per cent of all guns in the world - more than the next 25 top-ranked gun ownership countries combined - with the number only set to grow, according to new research.


According to a decade-long survey released by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, not only do Americans own the highest number of guns per capita, but also between 2006 and 2017, US gun owners acquired some 122 million new guns. That represented more than half of the 207 million new civilian-owned firearms around the world during that time.


“The biggest force pushing up gun ownership around the world is civilian ownership in the United States,” said Aaron Karp, one of the authors of the report.


Of the more than one billion firearms in the world, American citizens hold 393 million, for a population of roughly 326 million. According to the report, that is a gun ownership of 121 firearms per 100 civilians. The next highest rates are 53 in Yemen, 39 in Montenegro and Serbia, and 35 in Canada.


Japan and Indonesia on the other hand have reported rates of less than one firearm per 100 civilians.


“Ordinary American people buy approximately 14 million new and imported guns every year,” Mr Karp told a news conference at UN headquarters in New York.


Mr Karp identified lenient gun ownership laws as the culprit.


“Why are they buying them? That's another debate. Above all, they are buying them probably because they can. The American market is extraordinarily permissive,” he said.


Speaking to The Independent, Mr Karp said that "most Americans guns are not registered" but that his team are confident in their figures. He added that the data shows a "significant increase" in gun purchases "from 10, 20, 30 years ago."


But Mr Karp stresses that registration requirements in the United States are very low and vary from state to state, so many kinds of firearms in the United States go unregistered.


”If you own a genuine machine gun, that has to be registered. New York State and Connecticut for example requires handguns and semi-automatic rifles to be registered. [Those states are] the exception. In most places in America you just walk into a store and buy a gun.”


Getting data on unregistered firearms can therefore be challenging, but Mr Karp said his team "worked hard" to arrive at the figure of 393 million firearms both registered and unregistered. “Some figures were higher, some were lower, but we feel confident in that number.”


Civilian firearms registration data was available for 133 countries and territories, and surveys conducted in 56 countries also contributed to the report.


Only 28 countries released information on their military stockpiles while 28 nations offered information the firearms owned by law enforcement agencies.