Anonymous ID: 191524 April 26, 2019, 11:11 a.m. No.6324018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4179 >>4308 >>4521 >>4615

Exclusive: WikiLeaks lawyer says he helped pass info to 'innocent victim' Don Jr.


A lawyer for WikiLeaks who helped provide Donald Trump Jr. with the password to an anti-Trump website during the election has said the information was obtained legally and Trump’s son was an “innocent victim” of a political smear campaign.


Jason Fishbein, a Miami attorney who has done legal work for Julian Assange, told the Washington Examiner that he was a member of a private online chat group in which journalist Charles Johnson posted an early-access password to a website called in September 2016. The PutinTrump website, which was funded by Democratic donor Rob Glaser, sought to expose Donald Trump’s “ties to Russia.” The password was posted in a Slack chat group run by Johnson, a right-wing political activist who worked closely with members of the Trump transition team. The chat group included independent researchers, activists, and reporters with the Daily Caller.


Fishbein told the Examiner that he sent the password to another contact at WikiLeaks, who then passed the information along to Don Jr. in a Twitter direct message. Don Jr. later told senior Trump campaign staff that he “tried the password and it works,” according to the special counsel report. Several news outlets have questioned whether Don Jr. violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act by using a password obtained through illegal means. But Fishbein said the access code was legally available and had been sent out to reporters in a press release from to let them preview the website before its official launch. “They’re trying to use this super innocent thing as another one of those ‘Trump-Russia-WikiLeaks’ connections,” Fishbein told the Washington Examiner. “The password did not provide access for anything administrative. It was only to read the contents of the website.”


He said he did not witness other contacts between Don Jr. and WikiLeaks, and as far as he knows, there was no coordination between the two. “I think Don Jr. is an innocent victim in this,” he said. “I think the Trumps are innocent victims.” Fishbein also claimed he saw no indication that WikiLeaks was working with Russia; however, he acknowledged that his contacts in the transparency group were limited and he never spoke directly with Assange. “At one point when the media was discussing that Russia was behind the hacks, I askedm 'Was there any way this was Russia?' The response I got [from WikiLeaks employees] was, ‘No, working with Russia would be a death sentence for our organization. We’re a transparency organization,’” he said.

Anonymous ID: 191524 April 26, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.6324220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308 >>4521 >>4581 >>4615

DHS tells Army Corps to skirt land regs, begin $1B project to replace 53 miles of border fence


The Department of Homeland Security issued two more waivers this week allowing the Army Corps of Engineers to bypass environmental laws and start a nearly $1 billion project to replace roughly 50 miles of border fence in parts of Arizona and Texas that are seeing high levels of illegal activity. The department announced Friday the new construction projects will go up near El Paso, Texas, and Yuma, Ariz. Two weeks ago, the Army Corps awarded SLSCO $789 million for the El Paso project and Barnard Construction $187 million for the El Paso operation, a Federal Register entry states. The Pentagon is funding both projects. President Trump campaigned in 2016 to build what he called a "beautiful" wall between the U.S. and Mexico. When he took office in January 2017, the barrier between both countries' 1,954-mile border covered approximately one-third of that space.


In the two years and three months that he has been in office, the Trump administration has completed less than 40 miles of barrier, the majority of which has been replacement. Of the Border Patrol’s nine regions, the El Paso and Yuma border sectors affected by this week's DHS decisions have the second- and third-highest number of families illegally crossing the border, respectively. El Paso will get 46 miles of steel bollard fence and Yuma will get seven miles of the same replacement fence in areas that have “dilapidated and outdated designs,” according to DHS. Both regions will also see new paved roads installed and improved lighting systems.


DHS justified waiving the environmental and land regulations on the basis that the projects were under authority given to a secretary in the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996. The IIRIRA states a secretary can waive all legal requirements if a barrier, road, or other infrastructure is immediately needed for national security purposes. The waiver is the fourth such instance of DHS ploughing ahead with replacement and new wall projects since the fall, and the 12th time any secretary has cited the 1996 law in order to bypass others. The decision is expected to upset environmental groups, though DHS said it “remains committed to environmental stewardship.”


"DHS has been coordinating and consulting, and intends to continue doing so, with other federal and state resource agencies to ensure that impacts to the environment, wildlife, and cultural and historic artifacts are analyzed and minimized, to the greatest extent possible,” the department said in the announcement. Last October, then-Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen waived regulations for 18 miles of barrier in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas and another project for 11 gates in the region. Then in February, Nielsen skirted land regulations for 12 miles of a secondary barrier in San Diego, Calif.

Anonymous ID: 191524 April 26, 2019, 11:41 a.m. No.6324397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4411 >>4556 >>4608

Moment mobile phone is thrown at Donald Trump at gun rally


Trump was taking to the stage of the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association when someone in the crowd decided to target him.


DONALD Trump was targeted with a mobile phone which had been hurled at him as he addressed a gun supporters' rally. The handset was seen being thrown from the crowd who gathered at a National Rifle Association (NRA) conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, as the President strolled on to patriotic rock music. As it hurtles through the air as Trump apparently notices it coming his way. When it lands you can see him glance over. It is understood the culprit was located and hauled away by police and was taken into custody. Whoever they are and whatever their motive, they were clearly a bad shot as it missed him by a margin.


Later in a strange twist, Trump hurls a pen into the crowd after bombastically announcing that the United States will drop out of the Arms Trade Treaty signed during the Obama administration. At the meeting Trump vowed to fight for gun rights and implored members of the group struggling to maintain its influence to rally behind his re-election bid. Speaking to the group for his third straight year, Trump declared himself a "champion for the Second Amendment." "It's under assault," he said of the constitutional right to bear arms. "But not while we're here." And Trump told the thousands in the crowd: "You better get out there and vote," saying of the 2020 election, "It seems like it's a long ways away. It's not." The nation's largest gun rights organisation was pivotal to Trump's victory in 2016.