Anonymous ID: 4df674 April 26, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.6323927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3934


I live in NorCal. Our Sheriff is shall issue, takes only a week or two to get.


Essentially, like all gun control, LTC (license to carry concealed) is directly related to the nigger content in a given jurisdiction. The more niggers, the less likely they’ll issue (niggers are simply, as a group, not capable of handling the responsibility of firearms ownership) Move to a red CA county.

Anonymous ID: 4df674 April 26, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.6324035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4093 >>4124 >>4262 >>4410


listen guys, ima red pill you fucks that dont get it.

My wife is a physician. Hospitals require flu shots for employees, if they refuse, they’ll require you to wear a mask for the entire flu “season” or they just fire you. It may be a mistake to admit this, and god forbid if i get dixxed over this, but a large pwrcentage the staff at 2 hospitals i know of, hip to the useless and dangerous nature of the flu vaccine in particular, and of others in general, What does it say to fucks that docs and

nurses in major hospitals are opening that omni cell and shooting that shit in the trash

meanwhile marking the imm records that all of them are up to date on their autoimmune jabs?


Are you listening big pharm and euro pop control peeps? yeah we KNOW. And guess how many flu vacc viles i have sent through an ivy league mass spec? yeah, peer reviewed study you nazi fucks


next step is rifles boys, fucking listen to me, flu shots are “free” for a reason and its not because they love you.


Every single person you know NOW over 45, whose taken vaccines will be DEAD OR DYING of autoimmune/cancer WITHIN 10 years.


You dont have much time left, the people that did this to you are on TV pushingvaccines….


act accordingly