Anonymous ID: 725ff8 April 26, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.6324001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4116

>>6323694 (lb)

>TSA cretins and DHS bullshit i just can't handle anymore - too old and remember how it used to be before 9/11


I have no answer for this because what Americans are supposed to do is lose their shit and beat the fuck out of the TSA agent one by one until the TSA is terrified to "conduct business". Violence is the only answer to this. Trump said he didn't need a gun? The fuck he didn't. He has every single hired gun in the country trained on his enemies but he is in zero rush to eliminate our systematic threats. So now we all have this crap notion that we can make the bad things go away by starting wistfully out a window and waiting for Q posts. We don't love freedom enough. We really don't.


Common Core Patriotism


They got us whipped and docile. Wait for the end boys.