maybe more €Ufags here than we realize.
And yes Bannon is trashing it here recently. But to what effect?
MSM hasn't been suicided here like in the U$ because no locomotion like the Trump train.
Most of all is the lack of an organizational principal of sorts detrimental to our liberation.
So less hope, less unification, less spirit of resistance. Visegrad-4 is the only dim hope on the horizon.
If only there was a follow up on Brexit, an Itexit, Nexit… then…
The situation looks neigh on hopeless: no one recognizes his/her country. There's the people who care about that and don't like it and then there's a seeming majority of poor fucks who don't care and/or actually like the cultural and societal suicide. The white genocide is in full effect. A slow motion trainwreck.Those with eyes have since several years seen the wheels come off now.
This might be why we unite here, to bask in the spirit of combative brotherhood that is absent in our own midst.
Anyway, I love the show!