Anonymous ID: c6feab March 11, 2018, 4:30 p.m. No.633291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>632903 My friend, I am not talking about cannabis, which to me is not a "drug", but a miraculous plant/health treatment. I am PRO CANNABIS. Would never lump it in with opiods, fentanyl, meth, coke, etc. People are dying in large numbers, every single day. Something must be done, starting with the pharma dealers. But not cannabis, which should immediately rise exponentially in people's minds for medical uses, not to mention economic gain for governing bodies and private entrepreneurs who want to grow huge fields for the hemp fiber.


All in all, cannabis both extends life and its quality. This was actually the conclusion of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report of 1894, a combined British/Indian investigation. Here is a brief synopsis of that extensive report (have read it) and its conclusions. No deleterious effects mentally, physically or morally. None. This was long before the evil propaganda of Anslinger et al demonized a wonderful aid to the people, long before such insanity was even conceived of. One of the observations in the full report was that the widespread view among Indians was that cannabis was a life extender. The report said that there was actually some evidence for this as well.


Many excellent things about C have been known for decades, but been squelched by the machine, just like everything else. This piece talks about research of 40 years done by Raphael Mechoul at Hebrew University. Doesn't go into specifics, just a PR piece. But I have read his research. Main takeaway is that not only is it GOOD FOR YOU in every way, but that the best way to ingest it is to SMOKE IT. None of this BS about no THC pills, etc. Smoking it gives what Machoul calls the "entourage effect." All benefits working in tandem.


So call me pro cannabis and also pro death penalty for anyone selling what they know are deadly drugs to the public.