Haiti Cholera: A Biological Weapon For Organ Trafficking?
July 18, 2017 Written by Ezili Dantò
http:// www.ezilidanto.com/2017/07/haiti-cholera-a-biological-weapon-for-organ-trafficking/
American Universities that set up shop there do live experiments on children after infecting them with a host of diseases, particularly cholera, then purposely treat the children with vaccines and all sort of trial drugs. After they the experimental children die or are killed, they don’t even return the bodies to the naïve and unsuspecting mothers who just want their children healed from diseases that they infected the kids with in the first place. Worse, they don’t return the bodies to the mothers but sent them in ice bags to the US for study and dissection. Cholera is an infection of choice for those
Haiti Targeted by Economic Hitmen & UN Front for Deep State Enrichment
“unfortunately slated for organ harvesting. Cholera doesn’t really harm the organs, but allow them to pull the plug when they claim the child is at death’s door. The Elites such the David Rockefeller impregnate women to harvest organs later out of their own offspring they keep in certain orphanages for securing body parts that will surely not reject their donor bodies when they come back to kill or take out selected organs
A virtual new race of biracial children are now being raised in Haiti for that very purpose of organ harvesting for parents who will never see the children except when the child organs are placed in the parents bodies in their latter years of old age or when in need of new liver or other organ.