Anonymous ID: 424bf2 April 26, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.6325262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5263 >>5288 >>5301

>>6324544 (lb)

>>6324605 (lb)

It's real, and it's also a problem for the "realists, stoics, cynics, and skeptics". If everything is as bad as Q says, but there really are more "good than bad", then there is a delicate balance of saying "trust us, we got this" and "let's openly confirm Q" in order to minimize mass chaos and open revolt. When Q says "Your families are safe", they weren't saying you can leave your doors unlocked and go about your merry way. They were saying that specific portions of the population aren't necessarily targets of the DS in certain operations. But what have we learned here?


  1. Mass shootings aren't preventable; DS can call one up at any time, and often do, in response to Q and operations related to Q.

  2. Vaccines are shit; we just gotta figure out which ones for ourselves while not getting locked up in jail, losing our jobs, or our livelihoods.

  3. Children/babies are literally sold into slavery by parents that are a part of the cabal shit show.

  4. DS cabal has been running the show ever since centralized banking. Nazis were "Jews", and "Jews" are Nazis to this day. That same group of "Jews" owns the Catholic Church, and the Church serves Satan.

  5. Humanity has been under attack ever since the first system of government was formed.

Satan is probably real, and even if he wasn't, there are folks here that will do anything to anyone in subservience to it for power and control. If Satan isn't real, we've got a whole other level of sadistic fuckery going on that I don't think 99% of the world could even remotely process.

  1. Hannity, Tucker, Laura, Bongino, Solomon, and Carter and a very few others are literally the only trustworthy news sources out there.

  2. POTUS and team have to play the "anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism" game on the public stage, while assuring us through Q they know the deal, and "have a plan in place", though that plan could play perfectly into the hands of the Zionists if done just right.

  3. All it takes to prevent the ultimate of all plans from going into effect, and bringing about justice to the universe is a Special Counsel because optics, and people take forever to get to the reality of what's going on.

  4. Amazon is going to be running the entirety of the US Gov't and end entities infrastructures on AWS.

  5. We still cannot know the full truth behind JFK because of national security reasons. Think about that one long and hard for a few.

  6. There are now medicines that make the level of HIV undetectable, but don't prevent spreading it.

  7. Autism (actual autism) will never be cured.

  8. There are (possibly?) treatments and cures for many of the major killers (cancers) of the sick/elderly, but we'll not see them because something is preventing us from releasing them. Yes, going vegan actually reduces most of them.

  9. The current situation with the trade wars is going to lead to the decline of US imperialism (it has to) for true national pride to be restored world wide. Why do you think POTUS is pushing manufacturing and agriculture so hard? Self-reliance.

  10. In about 50 years, there will be no homogeneous societies. You will be castigated for thinking this might not be a 100% supportable position for the state of humanity or individual nations. Suck it up, faggot. You are warned.

  11. The changes to Europe and the UK over the last decade (you know what the fuck I'm talking about) are not going to be reversed in the way you think, and it's a resolution you're not going to like. At least not initially, or ever, maybe. Get over it.


Anonymous ID: 424bf2 April 26, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.6325263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5333


  1. Iran is a booger of a problem:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 3d632d No.594193 📁

Mar 8 2018 20:05:03 (EST)

Anonymous ID: dc7a36 No.594151 📁

Mar 8 2018 20:03:02 (EST)


>Iran next.

A tougher nut to crack, Q-Team.

I hope your negotiations with Mahmoud are going well.


Resolved by 11-11.


  1. Gold is great if you have it on hand. The issue here, is, nobody has actually talked about how that would even work outside of some NESARA-esque description. Unless we find out that gold has been undervalued to the tune to 10s of thousands of percents, there's not enough to "finanace" every man, woman, and child. Especially if we're going to outlaw all the things that help reduce the population "problem". If you don't think that an ever-growing population is not a problem, you really need to check out Dr. Al Bartlett's presentation on exponential growth.


Q has brought us to discover a great deal of truths to mysteries for ourselves. Most of us have been drawn here because we are suspicious in our nature, and know that what we've been living in is "fucked", to put it succinctly. The problem is perpetual, though, as the information, the real meat of what's happened, what's happening, and what's going to happen is still strained through a tight filter. There's good reason for it, but that doesn't mean you're going to get all your answers any time soon.


This is going to take a while.

Anonymous ID: 424bf2 April 26, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.6325373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5393 >>5430



Q literally pointed this out in the March 10th, 2018 posts. As well as in this post:


And notice that I used "Jews" in quotes. Those pretending to be them, and are actually pulling all the DS strings, are just imposters. But you shills already know this.

Anonymous ID: 424bf2 April 26, 2019, 1:24 p.m. No.6325460   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Roger Stone is DS, and will say anything he can to cause confusion and chaos in the midst of all this. There's a reason he wore that t-shirt when they picked his ass up. He knew they were coming. Because he knew, CNN knew.


Starting to figure this out, yet?