Q reminds us often that we are watching a movie.
ALL the players in a movie have script to follow. This should be obvious.
EVERYTHING we see on TV relating to politics is scripted.
The DEMS are playing their part in this movie too. Their role is to look totally unhinged so Trump will win bigly in 2020.
Only then, unopposed, can he really do what he was put in office to do - namely default on the debt, introduce a new monetary system and restart the world economy.
The writers of this movie have been planning this change-over ever since the current financial system was introduced in 1971.
They knew it would have about a 40 years life span.
Nothing we think we know is actually true - it's all manipulated for us. There are no white hats and black hats - just hats.
That's why Q says think for yourself
Alice & Wonderland?
We are Alice
Wonderland is the manipulated reality we live in