>>6325616 pb
>>6325650 pb
WaPo really thinks RR can keep his job?
Great news source; really in the dark.
It's probably a slide here. A lot of people know already.
He's a gate-keeper. That goes back more than 10 years; He blocked 9/11 truth to the hackers and young techie communities; that was his job.
People have sued him for false representation as a charity; mis-spending funds donated
Maybe that was staged. He hangs out with a whole group of LARPer ; fake truthers. And stage fights; so the financail accusations may have been part of that.
I don't bother following him because I already know; since 2006
Also the whole "ex-CIA" identity is total BS. No one retires from that business, in reality.
"I'm ex-C-A " in order to gain cred.
NOPE. It's just say -so.
A real dude wouldn't be using that.
He's a plant.
He makes me sick.
If you dig on him you might find moar.
Well, he used to claim it.
Ur assuming I'm a Mason, which proves something. That you are wrong and don't know it ? or just want to mock me? since you're a sucker for transparent gate-keepers? Or a shill yourself ? I really dont care.
The guy's an obvious fraud.
Hi Robert.
I'm not trying to make notables.
And I'm not going to do your work for you either.
Obviously he's at the very least a PAYtriot.
You're wrong again about me being a Mason.
I guess ur the shill after all
Ya got me.
But I really can't stand that freak RDS
AmazIng how many supposedly "smart" people [at least they think they are] are fooled by him. What a joke.
just search "Robert David Steele fraud"
and you'll find it.
I figured it was mental illness when it claimed I was a Mason. Twice. kek.