looks like maximum spoop
I've set up a telescope in my backyard, pointed it at the brightest sphere in the sky, and looked at Jupiter and it's moons. I could see the stripes, and orbital plane and count at least 5 moons just with glass and mirror optics.
I'll grant that the standard model is vastly flawed, probably intentionally so, but we humans are pretty clever. You can probably find specialists in your area that can design, machine, and fabricate any scientific instrument you want or need to prove whatever theory you have on the firmament.
I'll even entertain the probability that we live in a simulation or holographic universe, in the way that our computers and TV screens transmute electrical signal into comprehensible 2 dimensional images, so to could reality be a layered multidimensional system. That wouldn't change our experience of reality, and the abundance of evidence we can amass with our own faculties to establish basic principles of the way reality functions should hopefully with time and experience allow us each to cultivate a sense of skillful discernment to filter out the nonsensical distractions that prevent us .from leading a fulfilling existence and contributing to righteous and upright future.