>>6327361 Just what I needed to make my day—a shot of Fuddy pretending to drown before the diver takes her ashore to the leper colony.
Always grab all of yours, fren.
Always interesting/creative/direct text to wake people up.
Oh yeah. I remember. You're the one who wants everything to be military, boom boom boom, things that explode and go bang and hit and smash and destroy and kill. I love our military but I'm not going to post military 24x7.
Post your own memes.
If you have meme ideas but can't art, post your ideas.
If inspired, memefags will render.
I think we have reached the foreseeable end of identity politics. Everyone must turn against everyone else. Each "identity" is such a small splinter faction that it doesn't represent more than a few percent of the lib electorate. A house divided against itself cannot stand.
House of cards, going down!
Neither – but you have (20) posts @ 589 which is not a great sign.
Anons don't seek to divide.
Division is Satan's tactic.
Meme magic is the presentation of truth to the undefended psyche.
Nice. Anons 'member.
I enjoy the creative rush of the hive mind working together.
Mostly, my most favorable meming time is mid day not evening, and some days I can't.
Anon learned to trust creative intuition a long time ago, and understands that sometimes it habbens and sometimes it doesn't.
Teaming up yields more inputs and combinations, which definitely sets off the almonds. It's like rearranging 7 scrabble tiles which causes so many unseen words to suddenly appear. Over the years I have given this creativity tip to many padawans and it always works.