Anonymous ID: 335931 April 26, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.6327916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8069

>>6327861 (pb)


They might as well had let it burn to the ground. Once Islamified it is no longer Christian. Then again, the Catholic church has been a fake Christian institution for a very long time. Nothing surprising there. That evil, homo Pope might as well be Satan himself.


God is not one to be mocked...! They need to remember that.

Anonymous ID: 335931 April 26, 2019, 5:44 p.m. No.6328230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8350 >>8368

So… it is true then? Everything that falls out of fashion with the world comes back around again?


[FOCUS] = old white dudes are hot stuff! All you anti-Boomers need to notice and respect that. Remember years ago when CNN used to tell us that there are no longer enough white conservative men in America to ever vote in another Republican president again? They assumed that only white men would vote for a Republican presidential candidate, and they assumed that such a candidate could win only because 'racist' white people (who are dwindling in numbers) would ever vote for such a candidate.


Then Trump won the presidency.


Even many here don't really understand how profound the defeat of Hillary Clinton was. It was a major defeat for feminism, and many of the other '-isms' that the radical left tries so hard to project on us. A whole lot of non-whites voted for Trump. And the vote also showed that the Caucasian majority in the USA is a whole lot bigger than the fake demographics we're being fed. White people did come out in numbers to vote for Trump, but they came out in numbers to voe for Hillary too. Many black people did not vote. And most Hispanics outside of California voted for Trump. Don't think the Dems didn't notice this.


So now they're pitching white men as candidates again. The Jews and the angry black females are relegated to playing in the back. They tested the goodlooking young JFK-like Caucasian dude with the big hair and teeth, but he failed. Then they tested the young gay Caucasian dude with the goofy smile, and they know he's going to fail so they'll push him to the side too. Then they tested the tried and proven true formula of the old white man (Biden), and the bell rang three times.


Except for the anomaly of Hussein, when has America's president ever NOT been an old white heterosexual man? Sniffing people and feeling them up without their permission is rude, but Dems are willing to overlook that because Biden hits all the required parameters otherwise.


Old, white, male, and hetero isn't as stereotype or as racist or as gender or sex-phobic as it seems. People like tradition, and even if they stray they always come back to it. Old, white, male, and hetero is the winning combo. What puts it over the top is the 'alpha' component, and that's an ingredient that the Dems just don't have. This is my long-winded explanation of why Trump will easily win again in 2020.

Anonymous ID: 335931 April 26, 2019, 5:58 p.m. No.6328385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8393

I have a concealed permit. and I am a gun owner, but I am in the closet about both because my religion teaches that its wrong to own guns if one is a Christian (he who lives by the sword dies by the sword) so I guess that makes me a hypocrite. But what am I supposed to do? I need to protect myself and my family.


I'm sorry, but step off on me and, BLAM!

Anonymous ID: 335931 April 26, 2019, 6:11 p.m. No.6328562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8574

How does Biden get away with that pervy stuff? Who just walks up to somebody and feel them up and sniff them, and then just walk away like that? He does it to men, women, and children.


That is just so wrong, anons.