Comparing Hildabeast to POTUS is hilarious!!! THEY are just as Un-self aware as she is!!
Going down the vaccine road infuriates me. Murderous, maiming, luciferian faggots!
Didn't know or remember that. He's always been an evil POS. Fucking his dying brothers wife, then leaving his wife for her! His brother, Beau, actually tried going after the DuPont Pedos, then was pulled back from that, then got fast brain cancer. A favorite of the cabal.
It was so damn blatant because….. THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE!!!
Speaking of Chris Heinz, Devon Archer and Hunter Biden's little Ukraine venture…
Reminds me of Lee Stranahan's work almost two years ago debunking Charlottesville by showing the same exact style "protest" in Ukraine by Soros bots. Every anon needs to see that video. If I can track down I'll post it.
So it's interesting Ole Creepy Pedo Joe chooses Charlottesville OF ALL THINGS to try to attack POTUS, because he knows FOR SURE it was fake and gay! It's like they're so stupid they keep pointing out their own crimes while trying to accuse POTUS of the same.
It's the worst case of PROJECTION I've ever witnessed.
Think about how crazy it is to say that things were "favorable" to Trump. If an investigation is NOT FAIR than its a fuckin CROOOKED INVESTIGATION!
They work so hard to condition the public to think it's A-OK to throw the book at POTUS EVEN WHEN HE DID NOTHING WRONG.