Anonymous ID: dc9086 April 27, 2019, 6:03 a.m. No.6332624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2643 >>2821 >>2908

>>6332519 lb

>kek!! I don't even know how old you are. How do you feel about children??

Yes! Young enough to have a few! God has been telling me to prepare for motherhood for several years, and it's been so frustrating to not be in the right situation to start a family. It always seemed to me that if I tried to be a mother the way most of us are today, I would do a terrible job at it. The [DeathCult] have made it as unpleasant and isolating and difficult and stressful as possible to have kids. It's always been important to me to get the right set-up first.


I have such an intense longing for home and land, and I feel like that's the foundation for everything. It's like I can't even really think about kids until that's settled. But I know for sure I want to have a family, and I'm more than sure that's part of The Plan.


>Pure Truth + Courage + Compassion = The Foundations of Love

I like this a lot. I hadn't thought about it that way (but I do love concept equations!).

I feel like the last 18 months I just brute-forced my way to Unconditional Love By Any Means (Memes) Necessary. But those do seem like components that got me there.


>And this is GOOD for All of us to see and feel. If I was watching this, I'd be pumped up, like, "Wait, you mean you might find REAL LOVE, even when you are NOT looking for it, when you give your Heart and Soul to the Truth and Justice and helping to get that to the People??

Isn't this crazy? We showed up for battle! And found each other on the ramparts of the Knight Shift.

I intended for my memes to entertain the troops… didn't realize I was going to be the entertainment.


>Love You ELOMAnon.

Love you too, MysteryAnon.

Isn't this fun?

Anonymous ID: dc9086 April 27, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.6332687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2699 >>2773 >>2991


And honestly, Anon, if two people opening up their hearts and dreaming a whole new life into existence is what BREAKS you…

You probably need to be broken wide open, so you can let that cynicism go and open up your heart to a better world.

Because it's coming, whether you like it or not.

Anonymous ID: dc9086 April 27, 2019, 6:37 a.m. No.6332815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2916


>talking about 'what breaks' people.

>why don't you think about the inverse of that?

I was simply replying to the Anon who said they were being broken by a demonstration of Love.


I do spend far more of my time thinking about the inverse.



Weaving all these broken strands into a new tapestry.

Less criticism! Moar Mission Forward!

Anonymous ID: dc9086 April 27, 2019, 7:18 a.m. No.6333068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3132


> I have offered you nothing.

Well, isn't that the Mystery.

You've been leading ME out of the darkness, via HiveMind, whether you knew it or not, especially since December. I would never have made it here without you.

So let's call it even, and start fresh, frens exploring the unknown universe together.

Anonymous ID: dc9086 April 27, 2019, 7:32 a.m. No.6333177   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Um… OK, cheers, back to being vague are you?

Guess I'll pack my backpack and be heading out onto the streets in about 5 hours. Not sure when I'll have internet after that.

But God led me this far, so another leap of faith.

I'll see where it takes me.

But honestly, you keep vacillating between implying immediate helpful action, and then being vague again. And I'm a little too close to the wire to appreciate that right now.



>Deal!! I'm all in.

Me too. So deal.

I'm out of Time for words.